Chapter One

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Chapter One

                It was kind of confusing really.  Louis woke up early like any other day to the birds chirping loud right outside his little window and the sun shone through even though he is quite positive he closed the shutters the previous night.  Louis seriously did not do much that would cause someone to have the urge to kidnap the local Blacksmith’s son.  What did he even do to cause this because he sure as hell does not know?

He swung his legs to the side of the bed and pushed up with such little force he almost tumbled back down, but he needed to get up and open shop.  He trudged for the bathroom for a quick rinse off which considered of dumping a bucket of water over his head and sticking his feet in another to wash his body.  Someone needed to do something about this and he really hoped it was soon.  After freshening up, Louis skipped down the steps to the little kitchen/living room thing they have going on.  He snuck an apple from the little basket on the table and pushed through a door which brought him right into the shop which was built right next door.  It was truly handy.

There were a couple projects sitting on top of one of the many benches within the shop and he took note to get back to those after he is finished.  Louis really did not plan for his life to be stuck behind a mask and open fire where he molded metal all day; this was something he did not see in his future.  Louis always wanted to travel to Paris and pursue his dream in becoming a famous actor for musicals and live shows at stadiums.  He did not want to waste his life callusing his fingers and cauterize them into little nubs.  This is not what he wanted, but his father just does not understand

He dragged his feet along the dirt ground and pushed up on the gate that covered the front of the shop during closed hours. The front of the shop remained completely open because from what his father had said, “The shop will rise in flames fairly quickly if it lacked the openness and the ability to breathe.” But he is fairly positive that air helps fuel the fire.

Anyways, so, he opened the shop and began working on what he is being paid to do and just out of nowhere; someone sticks a potato page over his head and kicks his knees out from underneath him.  It was so sudden that he really did not have enough time to react before rope was being tied around his wrists tightly and already cutting raw into his skin, and another rope was being tied around his ankles.  He hoped this was some sort of devious prank his friend Niall and Zayn are trying to pull on him, but the scruff voice of a man demanding, “Get him to the boat before someone sees!” That he really is being kidnapped.

Really, if someone wanted to look at it on some positive note, he will not have to work in the hot workshop anymore (or well he hopes).

Now here Louis is, blindfolded and being beaten repeatedly as he is tied tightly to a large wooden mass on a boat completely defenseless (not like Louis could hold them off any way’s because he is small and has hardly any fighting experience).

(It’s not his fault he was born like this, stop judging.)

Each passing day that the ship swam out farther and the beatings slowly began to stop (or until he is a little more healthy and not so black and blue because it’s not fun punching someone who actually looks ugly), he prayed and wished for something to happen, for someone to come and save him even if they are in the middle of a (fucking) ocean.

And when the ship moved right into a reef, Louis smiled bright because someone must have heard him, but quickly as the pirates climbed into the rafts, he realized that “nope, I’m not really being saved.”

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