Chapter 3

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He locked the door behind him, then let me go. I stepped back looking at the floor before his fingers pushed my chin up. I was looking him directly in the eye. He looked me up and down smiling to himself. He removed his jacket and flung it on the floor before taking walking behind me and breathing on my neck. I closed my eyes.

"Um..Milly?" He questioned

"Miley.." i replied shyly.

He laughed. "You arent shy ? Why are you acting shy? I thought you liked me, wait didnt you say i was ummm FIT AS FUCK?!" He laughed grabbing my hand and pulling me up the stairs. When we got into his room he let go of my hand again before walking to his closet. "Here, put this on". He passed me a pair of joggers and a white vest top. "It okay im fine" i replied slowly.

He walked over to me closing him fists. He pushed me up against the wall putting his knuckles either side of me against the wall. I swallowed hard. "You do as i say..babe" He damamded before handing me the clothes again. I reached for them and he dropped them. I knitted my eyebrows together before bending over and picking it up.

"Dang girll, your ass is fine" He chuckled.

I didn't find it funny. "Where can i get changed?" I said losing my patient with him. 

"Over there" He pointed to the corner of his room.I swalled again and he just stared at me. I walked over slowly and started to get unchanged. Justin was already changed and walk out the room.
I quickly un did my buttons on my trousers removing them i slipped on justins joggers. Then i removed my coat and unbuttoned my shirt taking it off. I was stood in my bra picking up justins vest top when he walked back in. I screamed. "You just wan't me to look at you don't you" he licked his lips walking over to me. "Well i havent seen this before" He grabbed my shoulders spinning me around so i was facing him. He looked me up and down before dircetly staring at my bra. "mmm baby i would sure love to suck on them" He grinned. He walked back over to his bed before sitting on it, he picked up his phone and called someone. While he did this i quickly covered myself up with justins top before leaning against the wall not knowing what to do.

"Yeah i have her bro" he said to someone on the phone. "Nah no" He laughed. He looked at me and i looked away. "She's acting shy be-" I cut in "I AM NOT SHY" I demanded. "Sorry bro ill talk to you later my babes got a mouth, gonna have to teach this bi-i-tch a lesson." He put the phone down before walking over to me. "What did you just say?".

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