Chapter 18

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She looked up at me smiling and I smiled too.

- Miley's POV-

I faked a smile as he smiled , he hugged me and rubbed my back gently. I walked into the bathroom and cleaned my face leaving Justin in the bedroom alone.

- Justin's POV-

- Ring -

I held my phone in my hand questioning whether I should take the call. I paced in her bedroom then i closed her bedroom door.

" Hey bro". I answered. He was talking about Miley and what I was going to do to her I knew I had to tell him what really was going to happen.

" No, that's not going to happen I'm not doing it to her again. " I said then I let him speak and he was screaming down the phone shouting at me. "
" You will regret this Bieber." Those 5 words stuck in my mind replaying over and over as i ended the call.
I knew what he was like, he could kill me in one shot.

- Miley's POV -

I walked in the bedroom. Justin was stood up he looked worried, " Justin?" I questioned. He turned around facing me turning the worried look into a real smile.
" Yes?" He reply putting his phone back into his pocket then pulling me closer to him then hugging me tight.
"Oh, nothing." I smiled.

"Sweetie?" Justin spoke up.
"Mhm?" I replied resting my head against Justin's chest.
" Do you want to go out?"

- Justin's POV -

I looked her in the eyes waiting for a reply. " What?" She broke the hug. " What do you mean?".
" I mean on a date, a proper date like at the movies or a restaurant."
Her beautiful eyes lit up and my smile widen.
" I take that as a yes then?" I laughed and picked her up. She wrapped her legs around my waist and she kissed my lips.

" That would be nice Justin, Thank You." She wrapped her arms around my neck as i slid her back onto the ground.
" Great, so today? Now?"
Her eyes widened.
"Now?!" She looked at me in complete shock.
I laughed, kissing her on the forehead. " In two hours i will go book a table you can start getting ready".

- Miley's POV -

"Ohh..yeah..ur..okay sure" I spoke as he disappeared down the stairs.

It wasn't that I wasn't looking forward to this date or that I didn't want to go it was just i didn't think it would be so soon. I don't know if he will hurt me again and I need to talk to Jen too. My life is a complete mess.

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