Chapter 9: Demon

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A/N: SORRY it took sooooo long! But I was getting ready for... NYC! Yep I'm leaving tomorrow.. So ya. Here it is!!! XD It's 12 pages btw X3 ENJOY!!



and don't you dare to forget to...



The Black Roses 

Chapter 9  

“Excuse me?” I managed to say when Keith said that I was supposed to go save Blue. I was laughing so hard that I had to lean on to Belle’s shoulder for support. Oh yeah, I called Arabelle "Belle" now, since our little adventure, she and I bonded and talked, a lot. I realized she was like the sister I always wanted. If you actually speak to her about subjects that don’t concern herself, Obcidiannus, her spirit, or her family, Belle would seem like a really open, funny, and awesome human being. When we were on our trip, the hard thing was my power, or powers, that didn’t show up. I had to sit there and look like an idiot looking like a sexy stripper while Arabelle did all the dirty work. It sucked badly, I wanted to help, even if it was to punch the humans in their faces with my fist, but I couldn’t, because one, all the straight guys were checking me out with their jaw open and drooling, their eyes showing desperation (and it really sickened me), or two, I don’t punch girls unless, it’s for my own pleasure. 

“You are kidding… right?” I checked. I stopped laughing abruptly when I saw all their faces deathly pale and serious with worry. Something told me they weren’t kidding around. Immediately I started panicking. “Why do they want me?!” I screeched loud enough to break a window.  

Everyone was too lost in their own thoughts to hear my question.  

“Ph-ph-oeni-ix?” I stuttered. I was used to calling everyone by their real name by now, except Taylor.  

“Demon, you are going to have to go,” his voice cracked at the end. “Even if you do, they won’t return Blue. However if you don’t go they will kill Blue, and you’ll lose your power and half of you might die out…” he explained.  

“Die out? Seriously? How do the people killing Blue affect me physically?” Add sadness, anger and curiosity all together, that’s how I felt. Oh, and don’t forget to pop in confusion. Now stir all together until the feelings are messed up and float around in chunks of who the hell knows what in my panic-filled mind. I felt so messed up. 

“We were meaning to tell you sooner but, well, you see, Blue is kind of your, uh,” he stuttered uncontrollably. 

“Your spirit,” Taylor finished for him. She seemed surprised at her own words. “Right?” Everyone, excluding Zac, Taylor, and I, nodded. My jaw unhinged itself and I swore it was going to drop any second to the floor. Blue? My spirit?! Are you serious?! He’s a leopard! Not a… demon…  

“Blue isn’t a leopard is he? He’s only disguised as one, right?” Zachary stated as if he heard my thoughts. Once again, they all nodded. In fact even I nodded. What? Well, it  made sense, so I nodded with them. 

“Listen Demon, you’re going to have to go. You can act like a spy! Also you can use this to contact us,” Belle said as she shoved her hand into her left inner pocket of her red dress and felt around apparently looking for something. Her face brightened after a moment and her expression said “Aha!”. She pulled out a pearly translucent box, just big enough to fit a pen in it. I thought it was actually a pen in it that had some secret communication device built in. However I was wrong. Inside the beautiful box wasn’t a pen. It was a… needle. Half of the needle was the needle part itself and the other half was a clear thick fluid with a small grey blob floating in the middle.  

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