Chapter 10.

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Heey yall!! Ahaha. I don't know if you've noticed this but I try not to put any profanity in my stories bc I don't like it at all. I mean, it's actually my pet peeve, so If that's what you're waiting for I won't put it on. So I'm sorry if you think that's what makes a story better, but in my defense I try to make the story better to make up for that. So sorry guys!!xx I hope you enjoy this chapter!!x


What am I going to tell Jay? She's going to be so pissed off, we were starting to get along and now this. She's probably never going to talk to me again. And she better agree to being my girlfriend or else management is going to have a fit.

I took my phone out and texted Jay.

'Can you come over? It's important.x'

Soon enough my phone vibrated.

'Yeah, sure! :)'

She doesn't know, because if she had known she would've barged in here and told me off. Or she does, but she's calm about it. That was funny, she obviously doesn't know. I know her temper and how mad she gets, so maybe I shouldn't tell her..

*Jay's POV*

I wonder what that's all about. We just saw each other like 2 hours ago, maybe he's just lonely.. Well anyways, he's my friend and I have to support him. What could possibly be soo important?

I knocked on the door to their flat and Louis opened it up.

"Oh hey, Jay! Long time no see." He laughs at his own joke and lets me in.

"You're such a dork, Lou. Where's Zayn?" I asked him, trying to look for Zayn but he wasn't in the living room.

"I dunno, but I was just leaving. Bye, Jay. Good luck!!"

"Good luck, with what?" Now I was officially confused, I was going to ask more question but he left before I could ask them.

Then I see Zayn's head poking out of his bedroom, he looked worried.


"Zayn what's going on? Lou just said 'good luck'? Good luck for what?" I was starting to get frustrated.

"Well, you know how since I'm famous now.. I get followed around by paparazzi, even if we don't see them.."

"Okay, yeah. I know that. What about it??"

"Well the thing is.. Last night we got followed.."


"Yeah.. And now.. well management.. the news.."

"THE NEWS?! ZAYN!! MANAGEMENT!!? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!" I was now yelling at him, and then I realized it and stopped. Noticing that he was just as mad and frustrated as me.

"Sorry, love. Trust me, It wasn't my intention for this to happen. I didn't want it this way, not forced." His face was filled with hopelessness and sadness.

"It's okay, it might not be such a bad idea. But I mean we're just friends, I don't want you to be like in trouble with management or anything. So yeah, I'll do it. I'm sorry for yelling at you Zayn. I guess I was just frustrated."

I pulled him into a tight hug, and then he turned to face me. I felt that the room was getting smaller, that we were the only two people in the world. I quickly pulled away, before anything else could happen.

"Relax, mister. We're just pretend dating." I giggled but he just groaned.

"This means that you have to go everywhere with me. All the concerts, all the events that me and the boys go to you have to go as well. I know it's a little forced, but we'll get through it I promise."

Forgotten Love (A Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя