Chapter 12

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Auntie bleu in media


We banged on Ty's door waiting for her to come answer.

"She gotta be here I see her car" Malaisha said angrily.

"Fuck this "Jewel said pushing pass us and kicking the door down.

"Damn she a baddie" Mony laughed jogging behind her.

I turned around and Jen stood frozen in the parking lot.

"Come on baby girl, we doing all this for you" I said taking her hand.

No one was in sight all you could hear is a loud commotion. I rushed upstairs bumping into some girl as she hurried down.

"Stoni?"Jen gasped.

She turned around and looked at us for a second then continued to leave.

"What the hell"I said lowly. A bunch of naked girls screamed franticly as Mony and Malaisha aimed there gun at them.

"Imma give yall 5 seconds to leave"Malaisha yelled causing me to jump a little. "1,5"Malaisha shot a bullet in the wall as the girls ran.

Ty sat in a chair smirking as we all faced her.

"Wassup" she smiled.

"Don't act like we cool bitch" Jewel snapped.

"I thought we was bffs forever" She laughed.

"Shut the hell up you know why we hear and I'm not playing your games" Malaisha said stepping up to her Mony right by her side. Soon everyone stepped up Jewel grabbed Jens hand pulling her closer.

"Thats cute"Ty said.

Mony punched her in her mouth and blood gushed from the side ,but Ty still smiled. This crazy bitch.

"Why yall here anyways?"Ty asked.

"Jen you wanna tell her?"
I said seeing that she was silent.

"Yo-you, I-I heard what you said about me , when I-"

"You was talking mad shit about her when she was in a coma she heard everything " I said speaking up for her.

"Whatever you heard I said it" Malaisha cheesed.

Jewel charged at her dragging her out the chair by her hair. Mony kicked her in the mouth and pulled jewel away.

"Let me whoop her ass I never liked her" Mony said.

Malaisha swung at Ty punching her in the eye. " She all yours "

Ty swung hitting Mony in her chin. Mony grabbed her by the head kneeing her in the face. "This for Jen" she said hitting her one last time causing her to fall on the floor.

"Lets go" Malaisha said throwing me over her shoulder and quickly jogging down stairs.


I crawled on my knees to my phone. I spit the blood out my mouth on the hard tile. I quickly dialed an old friend.

Ty- I got some bitches I need you to kill.

???-Whats in it for me.

Ty- 50 grand and some bomb ass head meet me at my place cant really say to much over the phone.

Keep running girlxgirlKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat