Chapter 7

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Auntie bleu in media.


"Im just going to go and get my scrimmage jersey from home" I said as I grabbed the keys. "On second thought can you take me I want to drive my car back here"

"Alright let me put on my Nike slides " Dia said jogging back up stairs to go and get them.

Kori left with Ms. K & Auntie bleu,when they told her they were going to six flags she almost passed tf out.

*1 hour later*

We finally made it to my house. Dia took forever to get ready talking bout ' I got to slay even on my worse days' she a fucking trip.

"Ion think she in here ion see her car" I said unbuckling my seat belt. "You coming in?"

"Nahh just hurry up and get your jersey I want to go to the mall" she said.


I jogged up the drive way walking straight in , why tf she left my door unlocked.

I headed towards my room but stopped when I heard moaning. I know she aint got another female in my damn house. I burst open the door and stood frozen. I sighed in relief. Jada had two fingers inside her slowly moving in and out.

"Heyy daddy" she said getting off the bed and walking towards me.

"Look I just came to get my Jersey" I said stepping back bumping into the dresser.

"I want you daddy" Jada said her lips grazing my lips.

I mean if I do it its not like im cheating on Dia we not even together but she in the car waiting on and we on the verge of getting back together.

"No, stop Jada you said we done so were done" I said slightly pushing her off of me.

"Baby " she moaned rubbing her hands up my chest.


"What the hell taking her so long" I said getting out.

I don't know know her house from a lick of paint.

"Noo,stop Jada you said we done so were done" I heard Malaisha say from up stairs.

I followed there voices as they continued to converse.

"So you finna go play daddy to another bitch child?" Jada yelled.

"She would have been playing daddy to yours if you ain't have an abortion" I said pushing the door open.

"You got this hoe up in my house?"

"Hoe? who you calling a hoe?"I said bout to beat this bitch ass.

"Baby chill out" Malaisha said pulling me closer to her. "And this ain't your damn house and don't ever call Dia out her fucking name before I let her put you in your place"

"Oh so thats how you gone be ?" Jada asked pulling the sheets around her body.

"Damn right , you cheated on me with mony cousin had a baby by him and got an abortion and I still took your ass back & when I make googly eyes at Dia you wanna leave me "

"I just want to go to the mall" I said fixing my hair in the mirror. "Cheap ass make up"

"You and this bitch can go"

Thats it, she need her ass beat. I turned around and punched her ass right in the mouth.

"I told yo ass" Malaisha laughed.

"Next time you disrespect me your face gone be on the bill board with a money reward" I said grabbing my purse.

"I want you out my house tonight, heres a plane ticket to New York , have fun" Malaisha said walking out after me.

"You sure know how to pick them" I said getting in the car as she opened the door for me.

"That bitch crazy"

"Apparently not if she let me slide her ass"

*At the mall*


"Dia my arms about to fall off" I said holding hella bags filled with things fir me her and Kori.

"Alright lets take them to the car" Dia said.

We finally made it to the car and I threw them bags in so fucking quick.

"You weak" Dia laughed pulling out the parking lot.

"Them bags was heavy asf and I been holding them for like 2 hours"

Dia phone started to ring and Andrea name popped up on the screen.



Dia - Hello?

Andrea - Can you please come and pick me up Im at the house at the end of  East gate.

Dia - Yeah I'm on my way whats going on?

Andrea - No time to explain just hurry.

"Something wrong with Andrea we got to go get her" I said quickly turning the car around.

"What? What she say" Malaisha asked worried.

"She didn't say she Just said to get there quickly"

I soon pulled up to the house and got out not even waiting for Malaisha to open the door.

I burst threw the door of this worn down house.

"Andrea!" I said running over to her as she was balled up in a corner.

She didn't wake up or even move she just laid there.

"Where he at?" Another boy yelled running in with a mask over his face.

"Who are you?" Malaisha asked pulling out her gun and holding it to his temple.

"Im Andrea brother " He said sitting his gun on the table letting us know he wasn't going to shoot.

I never knew Andrea had a brother. Andrea eyes fluttered open but she moaned in pain.

"Andrea you okay" he said kneeling down taking off his mask.

"James!?!" Malaisha gasped covering her mouth. 

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