"Getting you in the mood for round two. I could get used to having you on top of me like this," he rasped, and I slapped his chest, pretending to be stunned as I gasped which made him snicker.

"I take it you don't need any getting in the mood?" I quirked an eyebrow at him.

"Nope, I'm pretty much ready to go."

"Shame, I just showered. Another time, perhaps," I said breezily, shrugging and rolling off him to lay with my back to him, feeling proud of myself when he groaned irritatedly.

"Don't be a tease," he complained, slipping his arms around my waist from behind and pulling me into him.

"I haven't done anything! You started it!"

"You don't have to do anything."

"You need to calm down," I giggled. "Poking me with it won't get you anywhere either! What are you gonna do when I leave for uni?" I joked.

"Come with you," he answered straight away.

"Would you, really?" I asked seriously, turning around in his arms so that I was on my back and could look him in the eye.

"Yeah, why not. I have nothing to keep me here," he shrugged casually.

This would usually be such a deep conversation that would take forever to get an answer, something that he would have to think so carefully about, but he seemed certain that he would drop everything to come with me.

"School, maybe?" I sighed. Harry still had another year of sixth form left and he needed to do his best this time.

"Fuçk school. I've dropped out once, I can do it again."

"Don't be an idiot. You've been given another chance, you need to make the most of it."

I ran my finger over his collarbone which was prominently visible from his position of being propped up on his elbow on his side, feeling slightly put down that at the thought of him not being with me, despite my encouragement for him to stay here. It wouldn't be fair to urge him to do what would be essentially the wrong thing, however much we both wanted it. Him and I both knew deep down that Harry couldn't afford to mess this up.

"So what am I gonna do? Stay in this shíthole and be a twenty-one year old sixth former whilst you're off having the time of your life at uni?"

I grinned at his sarcasm and the way he grumbled. "Don't be so negative. It's only a year. I'll be staying in the halls of residence the first year anyway."

"I'll drive up to see you every weekend to make sure you don't enjoy yourself too much without me," he smirked, dipping his head down and peppering kisses against my neck and chest and tickling my middle which made me burst out into laughter.

When he'd stopped his assault and I'd caught my breath, he laid his head on my chest and I fiddled with his curls absentmindedly.

"Will you miss me when I'm at uni?" I wondered. Part of me was worried that the minute I was out of the picture he'd move on, and I'd be a hundred miles away still hopelessly in love with him whilst he was out with other girls.

"No," he said seriously, but then he started chuckling and I yanked a strand of his hair. "Ow! Of course I will. Is that even a question?"

"I thought you were being serious for a second!" I pouted. "I don't know, I just get scared at the thought of me not being here and you... forgetting about me I guess."

"Are you mental?" he asked incredulously. "You'll still be within driving distance, I'll be there whenever you want me."

"Most people want to split up when they go their separate ways for university, because it's difficult."

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