Chapter{6}: We All Have To Go

Start from the beginning

"This use to be and still is my friend through the tough times." Prince exclaimed has I looked to side of me to see his head resting on my shoulder. "And why bring him up now." I asked has he signed and took his head off my shoulder and turned me to face him. The look I saw on his face broke my heart, his eyes was just filled with sorrow and I just looked down at his teddy bear and wonder what he when through with it. "Your grandma....she....she...-" He didn't even have to finish it before I already knew what he was talking about. 

I nodded my head and keep my head down has a I began to sniff the on coming tears and saw tear's breaking through the barrier and forming on my eye lids. "Why." I whispered has I was buried into Prince chest and he slowly rocked me and kept on saying under his breath. "it's okay, it's alright." Like he's been saying the phrase for year's and year's.

*                                *

We arrived to the hospital around 12 o'clock, I know late much, but we had to keep going back because Prince was nervous like he knew something bad was about to happen. So he kept forgetting every little damn thing, sorry, the stress and pressure to see my grandma in that hospital bed hooked up to all kinds of random machines is just.....making me go nuts. 

"Here I will drop ya'll off at the front then meet you inside, Alright?" Prince said has he stopped the car and looked at me, I nodded and kissed his cheek making him smile, then he looked back at Roc and so did I and he nodded has well. "Well don't I get a kiss." He said with a little punt at the end. "NO." Prince shouted putting his arm over me like a shield. "She mine dammit."

Roc said "My mad dog nevermind" and leaved out the car with a chuckle, I laughed has I pushed his arm away from me and kissed him on the lips. "See you inside Mister Security Guard." I said ruffing up his afro up then leaving out, but he grabbed my arm and leaned in close to be and whispered. "I can be more then just your Security Guard." I looked up and saw him biting his lips then let go of my arm and mouthed. "Sexy." 

I give him a little favor has I pretended to drop something and bend down infront of him to help but leave him a little..... heated. "You wrong for that." He said has I laughed and close the door to the passenger side and he pulled off. I looked over at Roc has he was giving me that "You know you sexy" looked has I walked over to him and grabbed him by his shirt and dragged him into the entrance. "Come on rude boy."

We checked in and was told that visiting time was over, of course it was, but they said since she was in so bad condition that they said I could see her. Great, the last image I want to see of my grandma is her healthy, not on her fucking death bed about to pass over. Me and Roc said can we wait for our friend and they nodded and said when ever you want to go see her you may. Psst, I was trying my best to stay away but I really need to talk to her.... I really do. " Man where Prince at." I said has I looked over at Roc and he was looking down at his watch that read.....12:35. "I don't know but I suggest you go see you grandma now." He said looking over at me and giving my a supportive smile.

I thought about it and said "Fine" has I got up and headed to her room. " 12-B." I said has I looked and saw 11-A, 11-B, 12-A, but 12-B was all the way at the end of the hall with a window looking out to the city of L.A. "Here goes nothing." I signed and opened the door. She laid there in her I pictured it and I just needed something to squeeze right now. "Y/N, come." She said in her weak and wiry voice has she reached her hand out to me, I ran over to her and hugged her with all the love on the earth. "Grandma I'm so sorry for no being around has much and for all the things I've done to you." I cried in to her shoulder.

She caressed me and said. "I forgiven everybody, you don't have to worry alright sweet heart." She said has I let go and she had that same old smile across her still lovey looking face. She wiped my tears has I wiped her's and we just shared what we've been through together since that day my mom dropped my off at her house that one summer. But never came and got me at the end, that's the day I felt like nobody wanted me so I let anybody and everybody run over me. Yet my grandma was always there to pick up the piece to my broken and traumatized life I was living before her.

I laughed at the memory I told her has she laughed along, we were having the best time we ever had together in a will and I couldn't be happier. "Oh and grandma do you remember the-" 


My heart sank into my stomach has I looked up at the heart monitor and saw the one thing nobody, and I mean nobody dare to see on anybody they love. "Straight line...the line......" I felt a warm embrace hug me from behind and I instantly turned around and engulfed myself into them. "Baby it's alright, she's in a much better place." I heard my charming say has I know that voice anywhere and felt loved. 

AND THERE GOES CHAPTER 6.... WE ALL HAVE TO GO.... I  know short but this chapter was mostly surrounded around you and what you character has been and was just through so yeah sad but very living charging you know. But we still have so many questions that have not been answered.....and the main one is what Roc needs to tell you about Ray. Yeah that is in chapter 7 so, you goin have to wait no lie and sorry. ^-^

But this chapter was dedicated to what today is and what happened today that are in everybody's praises. And if you haven't heard or seen that today is the Anniversary of Michael Jackson and his death. But also today we have lose one of our Mindless grandma's, Grandma Shell was Ray's Grandma and she died today. Even tho this is probably not my place to stand I still want to say R.I.P Grandma Shell you can finally rest and will be missed dearly but never ever forgotten. ^_^ 6/25/13

(P.S. I know I upload this on the 6/26 but I rewrote this on the 6/25, because my Internet when down and deleted my work and that's why it's a day or two days late. my fault ^_^)

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