Chapter{6}: We All Have To Go

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{Roc POV}


I took a deep breath has I looked at the agony and participation in Y/N eyes has she leaned forward in my chair and kept her eyes dead on me. I looked down and thought of what Prod told me and what I promised him I would tell her and all but...... It didn't added up.

" He's been trying to..-"

"Y/N." Prince came ripping through my bedroom door has me and Y/N shot him confused looks, but her's was more of annoyed then confused. I guess she really wanted to know what I had to tell her, because what I did have to tell her was....... crazy enough to make your head twist twice. "What." She said turning towards him has he looked at down at her and grabbed her hand. "Put on her shoes we have to go." He quickly snatched her from the chair and ran back out my room.

I walked out my door and saw that the phone on the wall was hanging form the wall with the buzzing sound fulling the air around it. "The hell." I whispered with my eyebrow raised and my body twisting to the direction of it. I walked over to it and put it back on the charger has it read one missed message, I clicked the bottom to see the caller ID and found out it was Miracle Hospital calling......

"ROC." Prince shouted has I turned around with a little jump, he came over to me and said to put on some shoes because Y/N wanted me to came. Why, I really don't know but I damn sure wasn't going to leave her hanging. "Alright I will....but hey Prince." I said catching him off guard has he was about to walk off. "Yeah." He said kinda annoyed. "Why Miracle Hospital somebody hurt?" I questioned. He looked around him then turned back at me and simply said. "Grandma" 


Prince dragged me out of Roc's room and into his has he was going in hypo mode and was either looking for our shoes or his car keys. "Where the fuck are they." He said has I saw mutlype of things fly in the air and land all over the place. "Prince calm down." I said picking the stuff up and putting it on his bed so it wouldn't look like a tornado ran through his room. He looked up at me and put on a small smile has he stopped what he was doing and walked over to where his shoes was. "I was looking for something that gets me through tough times" He said picking a pair of his shoes and walking over to his bed, shuffling stuff to the side, then sitting down.

I watched has he did that and starred dead at him has he begin to put on his shoes and tied them up, I wonder what he means by "Tough times." I shrugged and walked over to the corner were I placed my shoes and sat on the floor, legs sprawled out, and did the same and put on my shoes. He was finished before me so he got what he need and when back over to his closet and searched again. 

I got up off the floor and got my stuff together has I couldn't get my mind off of what Prince said about "Tough times," like the only tough thing I am going through that he knows about grandm-

"I FOUND IT." Prince cheered has I looked at him and saw him grinning from ear to ear, which made me form a little smirk on the corner of my mouth. He ran over to me and picked me up by my waist has he twirled me around. "Prince STOP." I said has he put me down and kissed my cheek. I laughed and asked him about Roc and if he was going with us. "Well if you want him to he can." Prince said with a shrug like expression on his face. "Yeah, why not bring the boy." "Alright then, I'll be right back then we'll go alright." He said has I was about to ask him something else but the door was already closed and I was lefted with something in my hand. 

"What the." I said has I looked down and saw a stuff animal in my hand and thought of what in the world it was. I turned it around and saw that it was a rugged teddy bear that was brown with one black pearl eyes and the other one missing. I smiled and rubbed my hand on his back has the texture of it had my hand feel it would numb all the pain-. "That you encounter or may encounter."  A voice interrupted me from my thought's has I knew it was Prince. He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist with a squeeze.

What HappenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora