"On the shelf at the back why?" I went to the back and found a pile of black and grey tee shirts. Taking one of the dark grey ones I slipped it over the towel and looked down to see that it hung down to my mid-thigh. Shrugging I undid the towel and dropped it standing looking for something pants-wise to wear. His hands gripped my hips as I stood in the tee shirt.

"Stop that right now," I warned. "I need pants to wear to your parents' house." He moved so that my body was flush with his and I melted against him. "Seriously stop it, I need to find clothes."

"You're wearing clothes." His lips moved by my ear and down over my neck.

"Stop it," I said weakly tilting my head to give him greater access. He didn't stop instead kissing his way down to where my neck met my shoulder and nipping slightly. My breath stuttered as his tongue ran over my pulse point. Shivering I said, "don't...stop."

"Don't stop?" His lips pulled against my skin into a smile. I growled at him turning.

"That was don't and stop, not don't stop." He wrapped his arms around me.

"That sounds the same to me."

"It's not." He kissed my lips and then pulled back.

"Okay, let's go."

"Let's go?"

"To my parents' house?"

"But I don't have pants."

"We have to shift to get there so you don't need pants." He tapped me on the ass and I gasped.

"But I will need pants when we get there."

"And there will be pants there." He assured me walking out of the closet. I snorted remembering when we first met how his friends thought he was gay because I was his mate. "What?" He turned back to me.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I followed him out of the room and into the hallway going down the stairs. Instead of walking towards the door he walked into the kitchen. I followed and looked at him curiously as he started pulling out a pan. "What are you doing? I thought we were leaving." He came over and picked me up, setting me on the counter. I wiggled a bit adjusting the tee shirt so that it covered me.

"I'm making breakfast for us." He said matter of factly standing in between my thighs. I pulled at the edge of the tee shirt a bit uncomfortable being so exposed.

"But we're leaving for your parents?"

"After, I need food more than my sisters need to play dress up with my new mate." He leaned forward kissing my lips and when he pulled back I registered what the rest of that sentence was.

"Wait. Play dress up?"


"So I'm going to meet your family and the first thing they're going to do is play dress up with me?"

"Well, yeah technically." He tried to kiss me but I turned my face putting a hand on his chest.

"How can you be so casual about this?"

"They do it to all of our mates, I'm just used to it by now." He gripped my chin turning my face back to him.

"Aren't you supposed to be making breakfast?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah." he patted my thigh and moved away pulling things out of the fridge. I moved to help but he turned and pinned me with a look.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Stay." He demanded. I wrinkled my nose.

"So I'm supposed to sit here while you cook? On the counter? Like this?" He raised a brow and nodded. I sighed but remained sitting semi-content to watch him from my position. He turned back to whatever he was making. As he worked I admired his form. Biting my lower lip I admired the smooth muscles of his back and down to his ass. He moved around the kitchen with practiced efficiency. "You've done this before."

Kidnapped By Mistake (COMPLETED)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें