Chapter 3: A new chapter in life

Start from the beginning

On the days I was off I sat in the art gallery and painted things so easily. Whatever I had imagined in my head was suddenly on the canvas. Even though I've never been a good painter. I thought it was odd but could it be that I'm a...

Cheat character?

This often happens in died-and-reincarnated stories that I've read so far. The protagonist would receive special talents like powerful magic in fantasy worlds. However this wasn't a fantasy world so I wonder perhaps my cheat is art and creativity. I mean everything that's an art I could probably do easily do like painting, dancing, singing for examples. It's that why I'm so good at doing them, and on the first try too. OMG, I'm truly blessed!.

However let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

I need to see if my theory is true first before jumping to conclusions.


On the morning I was off I ordered Mary to bring a big stone to my gallery and buy me craftmanships. The loyal servant ran and immediately brought them. But since the stone was to big it wouldn't fit in the room so I decided to put it on the front yard.

So here I sat in front of it with a sculpture blade in my hand. And due to my spiritual power being high I could see through the material in front of me. It wasn't just the biotic material but also the abiotic material. Exactly. I was gonna cut through the stone's essence itself and create something new out of it.
I could see myself cutting it here and there to bring out the result I wanted. Now that I've imagined how to cut and form it I started to imagine the way I wanted the result to be in.
I had often imagined doing this in my previous life. I imagined though I was sculpting my fairy statues out of gems like rubies and emeralds. However this was a stone. But even with a stone I could probably turn it into something pretty. 

While I was sitting and pondering over what I wanted to turn it into a picture of a fairy appeared in my mind. However I wasn't sure if I was going to sculpt a fairy who was flying upwards or a fairy landing, a fairy who was playing on a harp or a flute. So I decided to do them all. 

I rose up touched the stone with my hand and waited for it's permission. Even stones have souls, you know. And it happily gave me it like it was waiting for someone to give it the beauty and a new shape. 

And so while I was imagining the fairies in my hand my arm moved on it's own. 

An hour later the rough rock had become one of my first statues I've ever made. And to be frank I'm awesome. And a total cheat. This little project concludes my theory.




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I should probably try martial arts too...


(Raphael's POV)

Aw~ my cute little sister is not here anymore. I feel so lonely, I've got nobody, I'm all on my own... except that my dad is here but he doesn't count.

Sitting in my room strumming my guitar all I can think of was the day she came to this world. I remember the excitement I felt. The feeling I had when I held her for the first time. She was so precious.

"Oh, please brother don't be so over dramatic" the little girl on camera rolled her eyes. "We can still spend time by talking to each other through Facebook or Skype. Besides you can visit me during the holidays." 

♕What! I died and got reincarnated as the villainess in a dating game!♥Where stories live. Discover now