Chapter 9: It's not love!

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Hey, guys I'm back now. Another weekend. Hoped you liked the last chapter. If not you can comment down below (I just want some comments). Aaannnd if you're wondering who this guy is. Then you just gotta continue to read.


(??? POV)

How could this happen?

I was supposed to be his bride. Not her. 

What happened?

Why did my plan fail?

No, I won't allow this.

If I can't have him no one else can!


(Third person's POV)

One glass crashed after another in a rhythm of a sad melody. Outside the room maids were frightened as usual by their mistress's tantrum but kept eavesdropping. And nobody dared to stop her. This continued for hours until she had nothing to destroy anymore.
"Tired" a familiar voice said behind her.
Turning around she stood face to face with the one and only Lucinda Grace.
"L-Lucinda! What are you doing here?" she asked nervously.
Of course who wouldn't be nervous around a person like her.
"I just wanted to check on you, Stephanie. Your plan got ruined so I thought you might become like this".
She laughed a hysterical laugh and said:
"Ha~ Now I see... So you were the one who ruined my plans".

Lucinda just looked at her.
"Why?" Stephanie asked her. "You knew that I loved him, Lucinda. So why did you help her?"
"It's for everyones best. Just leave it as it is", she answered.
"NO! I won't. He's mine. I saw him first! I was the one who fell in love with him first".
"Stephanie, calm down you're becoming irrational".
"WHY SHOULD I CALM DOWN. He's mine. He's mine..." she chanted like a madman. 

Lucinda only sighed and seeing that she wouldn't be able to talk sense into her, before someone got hurt, she did the only thing that came to mind.


(Lucinda's POV)

Normally I would never use this but the situation really did start to become dangerous. Who knows what would happen if I left her alone. Knowing that I had already prepared to hypnotize her during our talk I started saying:
"In 3 seconds your mind will not obey your will and you will fall asleep. 1... 2... 3..." her eyes closed and her head hung down. "Stephanie when you wake up again you will not have any feelings for Eric or Emily. All your sadness, hate and pain will begone. Do not let your heart become blinded by jealousy and greediness. Lust and longing will all be gone. You will not remember having any feelings towards Eric nor shall you ever have again. You won't ever remember this conversation..."

After making her go to her bed I left the room in silence. Hypnotizing could sometimes be a dirty thing to do but since when did I say that I only did good things.


(Third person's POV)

When waking up from what seemed like an eternal dream, Stephanie rose up from her bed and stared at the beautiful landscape outside her window. She had a feeling something within her was gone but she couldn't remember what it was. But she felt better now than ever before. She felt peace.

Now that the mistress had peace even the mansion and everyone else had peace too.

Meanwhile at The Russian empire, in The Emperor's room, Alexei Dimitri Mikhail Nicolai Vladimir was sitting in front of his desk when he felt a presence. Smiling he only said:
"So you've come finally..." he put down his pen and turned his head towards the sofa where a young girl of fifteen sat sipping on her tea. "Welcome to Russia".
"Thank you", she answered and made a gest for him to sit on the couch.
He sat down next to her... really... too close. 

His golden eyes stared intently at her. Being hypnotized by them she couldn't react before his arms slid around her, holding her body tightly and putting her bottom on his lap. 
"Let go of me, Emil" she tried saying it calmly.
"It's Alexei now darling" he smirked but then his expression turned serious. "No, I won't ever let go of you ever again, Cindy. You're mine now...forever...".


It's getting hot now. I can feel the heat LOL. Anyway thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed. And I hope you will enjoy the next chapter the next time. And just to prepare if I ever get a dirty mind I will also put the "mature" button on.




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