Author's Note

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Hello, dear reader. This is a message from the one and only Storyworld.

I know, I know I've been a lazy author who hasn't updated a chapter since around Christmas, or was it New Year? Anyway I just want you all to know I've been busy writing other stories and fanfics that I felt were more important than this one. That is why I haven't updated for such a long time. I'm such a bad author. I'm so sorry. 

Anyway since I'm having summer vacation now I will have lots of free time. The question is if I I will put that free time on writing this story. Of course I will try to update every second sunday but I can't promise anything. 

And now for the big news I just realized I have 200 followers.

Yay! Yay!

I'm so happy you my old followers and reader who have been so good for still sticking with this unworthy author. I am just so unworthy of you. And for you new ones, well stick around and you may read something worthy of your time.

And because I've received my 200th follower this chapter will be a gift from me to all of you readers and for those followers who probably are out to kill me for taking this long to update this novel.

Whatever, let's see if you'll like it or not. 

♕What! I died and got reincarnated as the villainess in a dating game!♥Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora