Chapter 30 (Part II)

Start from the beginning

Anyways, just like Shyam, his goons also didn't look back – yes they were looking out for any potential threats in front, but it didn't occur to even one of them that it might be a good idea to look behind too.

So it wasn't surprising when a the police managed to silently creep up on them from behind and pull out the three goons at the very back – a few officers smothered the goons with chloroform while the others grabbed the goons' arms and locked them in place, immobilising them completely.

Once they were unconscious the police carried them to a safe place at the side where they were dumped for the time being.

They repeated the same process with the remaining two goons as well – only this time their plan almost got ruined when one of the goons turned back as if by instinct and saw the people following them.

But luckily before the man could make any move or warn the others, the police managed to shut him up with the chloroform, along with the other man who had been standing with him, guarding Shyam. They were outnumbered by far so the goons had no way of escaping or warning Shyam.

Now it was just Shyam and Khushi walking towards the entrance – Shyam was completely oblivious to the events that had happened merely a few metres behind him, and Khushi was occasionally taking quick glances at Arnav for reassurance.

It was time for the final stage of their plan – they were lucky that the goons were easy to get rid of, but Arnav had half expected that anyways from what he'd seen of them already in the past. He knew they were going to be easy to fool – but now it was time for the main catch, Shyam.

Now that it was only him left to catch, it should have been easy – only it wasn't.

Because Khushi was with Shyam and Arnav did not want to harm her in any way – even if it meant losing Shyam.

But there was another aspect that he couldn't ignore, staring at his face – if Shyam escaped today, even if they got Khushi out safely, there would be no guarantee that Shyam won't come after her again. In fact, it was almost certain that he WILL come back to get her, and that was a risk that Arnav didn't want to take.

Of course he will be there for Khushi no matter what – even if everything and everyone turned against her, he will stand as her pillar to protect her till his last breath.

But what he was worried about was the emotional and physical stress that Khushi would have to go through with another attack or kidnap. He didn't want to put Khushi through all this mess again if he could avoid it – and he knew that L75 was still lurking free but at least if Shyam got caught then that would be one less enemy to worry about.

And so Arnav decided that he had to catch Shyam today – no matter what comes. Because that was the best choice for Khushi.

"Everything ready?" Arnav asked into the earpiece.

"Yes Sir – they're surrounded in all directions," an officer replied.

"Great – let's finish this once and for all," Arnav replied.

"Hands up Shyam!!!" Arnav shouted at Shyam, pointing a gun at him and Khushi.

Shyam who was startled by the sudden voice coming from his, tightened his arms over Khushi's shoulders, making her insides tremble with fear.

Shyam swiftly turned them around, ready to run away in the opposite direction to Arnav, but then skidded to a stop when numerous officers emerged, pointing their guns at him, blocking his path.

He then turned them to run away in another direction but again, officers emerged in front of him, blocking his path.

Only then did he realised that, he and Khushi were completely surrounded by police officers, each pointing their guns at them – or Shyam to be precise.

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