The investigation

Start from the beginning

Angel mustered up a smile and gave a small wave. He ignored it and bombarded her with a hug which Angel didn't want to return. She didn't let people usually hug her. "How are you!" He asked, holding his hands out.

Angel stared up at him and realized something about him that wasn't the same since she last saw him. He must've worked out, a lot, and his hair is up in a Nial Horan style and he has this I-know-you're-checking-me-out glint in his eye as well as a cocky smirk. He's hot.

Angel smiled and folded her arms. "I'm good," she said and gave a nervous laugh. "And you?" She added.

He stuffed his hands in his pockets and grinned even broader. "Great!" He said. "And even better now that I got to see you. What happened to your arm?" He asked, pointing at the cast.

Angel smiled sheepishly and looked down, scratching her neck. Was he flirting? "Just a little accident," she answered. More like a near death experience.

"I guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other, right?" He asked, a hopeful look on his face.

She nodded her head just as the professor entered the room. "Yah, I guess," she said and he winked at her and took the seat right next to hers. The whole class through, Angel tried her hardest to concentrate, but is was quite distracting, because Matt kept on sneaking glances at her. Angel didn't quite know how to feel about this. In no time, the class was over and Angel got up, packing away her notebook and pens. "See you, Matt," she said.

Matt smirked again and she saw his arm flex when he picked up his backpack. "Yeah, Angel. Definitely." He licked his lips before walking away.

Angel crossed her arms over her self, feeling slightly uncomfortable, but shook it off.

She walked down her street to her apartment block, humming to herself and thinking back.

"One day, the two of us will go to university," Dahlia said, beaming up at the sun shining on her porcelain skin and grinning over at Angel. Angel threw her arm around her best friend and pointed to the apartment block. "We could both room there one day!" The two giggled and continue their way to the mall where Dahlia's mom would come to pick them up to take them back to Jacarandawood.

Angel snapped back to reality and shook her head. She pressed the code for the gate and strode through, making her way to her flat. She stopped to get her keys out of her bag. She opened the door and walked inside. She placed her keys on the counter and her bag on a chair and gasped when she looked up.

The wall was covered in writing, the colour of blood red, reading:


Angel let out a whimper and stammered back. She stared at the red paint, drooping down the wall, as if it's a fresh wound bleeding. She covered her mouth with her hand and stared at the picture beneath it. She let out a cry of horror.

It was Dahlia in the scene of her car accident, only now Angel knew that it was no accident. She wanted to look away at Dahlia's head dripping blood and her lifeless eyes staring up at her, her body flayed over the steering wheel and a tree branch sticking threw the broken window, but she couldn't. She stood there with tears in her eyes and her heart beating at maximum speed, scared it would jump right out of her chest.

"No," she whispered and looked around frantically, but there was no trace of anyone braking in. No broken windows or doors. It would've been as if nobody was here, except for the horrific message written on the kitchen wall.

She didn't know what to do, so she reached for her phone in her bag, searching for the number she used to message a lot when she was younger. She dialed it and bit her lip, tears frantically streaming down her face and her chest heaving.

"Hello," the other line answered after a few rings.

"Brooklyn?" Angel choked, trying to hold herself together.

"Angel?" Brooklyn asked, slightly worried. "What happened?"

"C-c-can you p-please come o-over," she bawled, not being able to keep it in.

"I'll be right there," he said and they hung up. Angel felt a wave of relief, but it was immediately crashed when she looked at the fridge, another message:

Tell the police, and the same applies.

She let out another squeak and sunk down on the couch, feeling hopeless.

After ten minutes, the bell rang at the gate. Angel jumped up and pressed the opening button, not even checking if it is Brooklyn. She heard a car stopping outside and keys being rattled as someone made their way to the door. There was a knock.

Angel threw open the door, not caring that she looked like death itself.

Brooklyn stared at her with a worried expression, taking his sunglasses off. "What is it, Angel?" He asked.

She pulled him  into the flat by his arm and pointed to the wall. His expression changed from bewildered to horrified as he read the words and stared at the picture. "Oh my gosh," he breathed and Angel stood staring as well. "Who would do this?" He asked, turning to Angel.

Angel shook her head, wiping tears. "I don't know," she breathed out. "Who would want to kill Dahlia?" She threw herself down on a counter chair and rested her head in her hands. Brooklyn sat next to her.

"We need to tell the police," he said firmly.

Angel whipped her head up and stared at him with a terrified expression. "Did you read what's on the fridge?" She squeaked frantically, pointing at it.

Brooklyn shook his head and stared at her. "They can't be serious," he said incredulously.

She wiped some more tears and sat up straighter. "We can't take any chances," she said loudly, throwing her hands up. "Someone killed Dahlia!" She said, wide eyed. "And now they want to kill me," she finished, choking out a whole new series of sobs.

Brooklyn hesitated before putting an arm around her, but as soon as he did, she threw hers around him and sobbed on his chest. She hasn't done this since the two of them found out Dahlia was dead at her party two years ago.

Brooklyn rubbed her back. "We'll catch this person," he said, his face turning hard. "I won't let them do the same to you as what they did to Dahlia."


Hey readers! So I haven't written in a while, cause I was busy (by busy I mean watching movies and series since it's Holiday here!) so I'll try and write to whoever is reading.

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