"Wow that's a good spirit, don't go, after the pause Valerie will dance for us" Ellen said

"Are you ready to dance?" Ellen asked me

"I think I am" I got changed and went on the stage.

After the show ended, everyone greeted me and I felt loved.

"That was amazing" Ellen said hugging me

"Thank you so much"

"I'm doing a party next weekend, invite Marie, I'll like to talk to her. See you there"

I can't even, Ellen just invited me to one of her parties and Marie is invited too! I need to text her.

Val😍: guess what?

Marie💗: what?

Val😍: we're invited to one of Ellen's parties next weekend!!!!

Marie💗: omfg shut up r u serious?

Val😍: will I really joke bout something that important?

Marie💗: OMG I think I'm about to die.

Val😍: don't die I'm coming

I went back home and Marie jumped on me screaming stuff like 'omfg' 'what are we going to wear?'

"Calm down" I said to her

"Oh I watched you and you were amazing"


"I gotta go but I'll see you later" Marie said before walking out of the house.

I was all alone and I needed a friend so I invited Tez.

Cameron's POV

Finally I was going to hang out with my girlfriend. I wanted us to film a video for my channel.

"Yo what's up" she said kissing me

"Hey babe" I kissed back

She was pretty, she was wearing a black long crop top with a pair of jeans and a red flannel work adidas shoes.(2nd outfit on top)

"So what YouTube video are we going to do?" she asked taking a seat.

"I was thinking of the Chapstick challenge"

"Really? If you wanted me to kiss you, you could've just ask"

"I really want your kisses and that video so get up"

I settle my camera and I did the intro.

"What's up guys, so today, I'm with my wonderful girlfriend and we're doing the..."

"Chapstick Challenge!" Marie said

"If you don't know what that is, you kiss the person with the Chapstick flavor on your lips and they have to guess it"

"I'll start" Marie said covering her eyes

I put a Chapstick on my lips and kissed her.

"Can I just say that your lips are so sweet" she laughed "strawberry and banana"

"Yes!" I screamed

"Yay, okay your turn" I cover my eyes and get a kiss from Marie.

"Um, fruit punch"

"Nope, tropical"

"What, it's almost the same thing"

"No it's not" she laughed

"Okay let's continue"

We finished the video and we were now cuddling on the sofa when the bell rang.

"I'm going to take it" I got up and opened the door to see Grayson, Ethan and Aaron.

"What are you guys doing here?" I asked but they enter

"We're here to chill and we're bored," Grayson said

"Hey Marie " they said

"Hey guys"

"You can't stay" I said almost mad

"Cam, it's okay" she said and everyone sat on the couch watching the movie and talking to each other.

It wasn't that bad, I was actually appreciating it.

Marie's POV

"You guys want anything?" I asked getting up

"No thanks" they said

I walked in the kitchen to take a glass of water and when I was about to go back in the living room, I heard Cameron.

"I love Marie and stuff, but she's not Rachel, she'll never be Rachel. Rachel is something that I can't describe and our relationship was amazing. Not that everything that I have with Marie is bad but..." I drop the glass of water.

Thanks to my dog (Hayes & Cam fanfic)  {completed}Where stories live. Discover now