Stay With Me Jonathan

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I remember when weren't against each other. I remember when everything was normal. There was no fighting between us friends. No one died, no one got hurt. Now this stupid game changed that. We are stuck here with no way out of it. We turned against each other. Still, we care for each other. I ahve no idea why this is happening and let's, just hope this is a dream.

Jonathan is still pinned to the wall by Daithi. Daithi hasn't made a move or any other attempt to hurt Delirious. Craig is still holding Tyler's lifeless body, but his tears are starting to go away. He's starting to accept the fact that Tyler is gone. I laid on the floor just watching Daithi, making sure nothing else happens. Jonathan stared at Daithi and Daithi stared back. The tense was building up as Daithi aimed the knife at Delirious' neck, though Delirious didn't look scared. I was way more scared and he's the one about to get hurt.

"I deserve this, Nogla. Go ahead." Delirious said breaking the silence.

Daithi put the knife on Delirious' neck, but didn't cut him yet.

"Daithi, I know how badly you want to do this. Get it done." Delirious mentioned.

I have no idea where Delirious is going with this. I want to say something, but for some reason I can't. I I can just watch this battle between my boyfriend and my best friend.

"I-I can't do it." Daithi said

He dropped his knife and let go of Delirious. Daithi knelt on the floor crying. Then, Delirious pulled Daithi into a hug.

"I wish I was as brave as you. You were able to overcome your anger." Delirious said.

Daithi just cried on Delirious' shoulder. I walked over to them and I put my hand on Daithi's shoulder.

"I wish he wasn't gone. I wish he was here." Daithi cried. "Why did he have to go?"

"It's okay, Daithi. Everything was going to be okay." I said.

I looked Delirious in the eye. I think he really  did feel bad for his actions. Delirious had hard times and he has been hiding that from us. Him hiding that caused all this madness. I feel really bad for Delirious for his harsh past. No one deserves to be abused for no reason. Delirious had no choice and it happened to him so now Delirious is just doing what his dad taught him. Abusing people.

(That Night)
It was about three am when I heard sniffling. I tried to ignore it, but I knew Jonathan was crying. I turned my body to look at him. He didn't notice me staring at his pick cheeks with tears coming down them.

"Jonathan?" I finally spoke.

Jonathan look at me, his eyes were full with tears. I sat up waiting for a response. Waiting for him to tell me what's wrong. He just gave me his sad expression.

"What wrong, Jon?" I asked.

He shook his head. He really didn't want to tell me. Does he not trust me? I stared at him still trying to figure out what it was. It was probably the fact he killed my friends, but I feel that there is something more to it.

"Jonathan, it's better to talk about it." I said.

"I-I should be dead like Tyler or Lui." Jonathan finally said.

"No, you have every right to be alive." I hugged him tight. "Don't you ever say those words. It really scares me."

Jonathan nodded his head in response. What if one day he decides to go Jim off a bridge? Or hang himself? Or kill himself in general? It's very scary to think about this.

"I cut myself." Jonathan cried.

"What?" I asked like I didn't hear what he just said.

He told me again and it sounded like he really regret it. I shook my head.

"Show me, Jon." I said.

He lifted up his sleeve and showed me the deep cuts on his forearm. I just wanted to cry. I didn't know what to do at this point. Maybe I should just get the first aid kit and help him clean it up.

"What here." I said.

He nodded his head with his eyes still filled with tears. I got off the bed and into the dark hallway. I walked to the switch so I can turn on the light. Once I turned on the hallway light, I opened the closet door. I searched through to find the first aid kit. I walked back to the room with the first aid kit in my hands. Though, Jonathan wasn't on the bed. The window was wide open. I ran to the window to see if Jonathan was anywhere to be seen. He sadly wasn't.

"Jonathan!" I shouted.

I quickly shut the window and ran outside. I looked around. No sign of him. How would I be able to find him? He could be anywhere. I took a couple of steps into the concrete before I realize I need shoes. I take a deep breath before walking back into the apartment.

Why would he leave me alone? I need him and he needs me. With out each other, everything will be unbalanced.

I get a ring from my phone as I put my shoes on. I look at the caller and its Jonathan! I quickly pick up the phone.

"Evan, I-I'm fine." Jonathan stuttered.

"Jonathan come back." I said.

"I'll be home soon, I just wanted a walk." He told me.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" I asked him.

"Because I'm not actually talking a walk." Jonathan responded. 

"I know that Jon." I said. "What are you actually doing?"

"I'm doing something that's going to help everyone else, but you." He replied. 

"What is that?" 

"Evan, you know that I  love you, right?" He asked. 

"Jonathan, what are you doing?" 

Jonathan took a deep breath which scared me. Is he doing what I think he's doing? Is he going to something he can't take back? 

"I'm jumping off this bridge." He said almost in a whisper. 

After hearing those words, I just started to cry. 

"Jonathan, stay on the phone with me okay. I'm going to go help you." I said. 

"Evan, I don't want your help." 

"Well, I don't want to lose you because I won't be able to live without you." I cried. "Jonathan, I love you and if I let you do this, there is no point of me living either."

I heard him sniffling so hopefully he is having second thoughts. I walk out the apartment building. Jonathan hasn't said a word after what said. I still hear him breathing and that's a good sign. I need to hurry to save my precious Jonathan. 


I haven't updated in a while so here you go. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and have great day/night.   

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