This is not much of a Suprise

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(Mini's POV)
When Lui mentioned Wildcat, I didn't realize how much I really missed him. If all the other are dating someone else in the group, why can't I. Wildcat is perfect for me. He's super funny like me and he's cute. Since he's not here, I have no one.

Ring! I got a message. Hey, it's from Evan. He's probably telling me how the guys are. Though, I still can't believe what happened.

I read the message.

Vanoss- come to the hospital, we have a surprise for you.

Me- Ugh, now I have to get dressed. I'll be there in ten minutes or less.

A surprise! I can't image what surprise they have for me at a hospital. I mean it's a hospital, what can you possibly bring to a hospital that's a surprise for me? I ignore the question. I get my suit and put it on. Next, I grab my colorful sandals and slip those on too. As I drive there, I wonder if anyone else is going to get stuck here. Maybe I will get to see Wildcat or the others that aren't here, but mostly Wildcat. I miss him picking on Daithi. He's was just so funny, I'm getting a little annoyed his not here right now. So, I just sigh.

I arrive at the hospital happy to see my friends smile again. I mean after all we've been through, it's good to have a break. Once I walk to the doors, it's pitch black.

"Guys?" I whisper. "If you're trying to prank me it's not funny at all."

I walk over to the counter and someone is sitting there. I run over to the person. Through the darkness, I see Evan, tied up! I make it up to him and he's crying a river. I see blood on his shirt. Evan started to scream, but he couldn't really do it because he's mouth had duck tape over it. I go to untie him and something hits me on the head. I hear a familiar creepy laugh as I fall to the floor. Everything started to get dizzy as the lights went on. I turn my head and see Delirious with a bat.

"Surprise!" Delirious laughs. "We couldn't wait for you to get here. We set this up all for you. Smile because you won't be here for long."

I vision starts to clear up. Evan is still crying and I don't know what to do. Delirious has gone crazy, but how? He was just fine yesterday. Another question that popped in my head was, where were the others?

"Where are the others?" I asked. Delirious smirks. It's scared me.

"There someplace you're going to be real soon." Delirious responded.

"You killed them?! You bitch!" I yelled. Delirious laughed really loud and I got annoyed. This wasn't funny so why was he laughing.

"They are dead. They are trapped in the room. I'm going to keep you there because me and Evan got something to do. Get up now." Delirious said. He dug in his pocket and grabbed a gun. "Try anything stupid and I'll kill you."

I followed his demand. I stood up and walk with a gun pointed at me.

(Vanoss' POV)
As Delirious is distracted, I take off the rope off my wrist. When Delirious was trying it, I pretended like it hurt so he didn't put it on as tight. I untie my feet. I stand up. I have to make it to the room before Delirious can. Then, I'll save Mini later. Delirious is most likely going to take the elevator. So, I have to take the stairs. I sneak to the stairs since the elevator is two doors after the elevator. After I make it up the stairs without Delirious seeing, I ran as fast I could up the stairs to the second floor. I ran to the room. When I was at the door, I try to open it, but it wouldn't open. Fuck! I forgot he had a key. I shake the door to try and open it. I heard Daithi calling my name. Suddenly, I hear laughing. I turn my head. Delirious is coming. I ran to the closet and peek my head through a hole. Delirious opens the door.

"Have this one. I'm going to hang out with my Evan Bear." Delirious said.

"Evan doesn't live a psychopath like you." Lui mentioned.

Delirious got so mad he hit Lui with the gun across the face, knocking Lui out. Daithi ran to Lui before he could fall.

"Does anyone got anything else to say?" Delirious asked. "Good, I didn't think so."

Delirious closes the door and vegans to walk down the hall. I open the closet door. I found a tooth pick in the trash can while I was in there, maybe I can use the to open it. I put the tooth pick in the hole. I here a click. I got it! I open the door.

"Evan, we have to get out of here. Delirious is going to kill us." Mini said.

"You guys are leaving, not me. I need to help Delirious." I told them.

"Delirious is gone. We can't help him. We have to let the police help." Daithi said.

"The last time the police came, Delirious got hurt and so did you. The police aren't going to fix him. The only person who can, is me because I love him." I explained.

Daithi nodded. Mini did as well. Daithi laid Lui on the hospital bed.

"What's the plan to get out?" Daithi asked.

"Yeah, we don't have much time." Mini mentioned.

"You don't." I heard a gun click. I turn around to see Delirious aiming a gun at me. Tears escaped Delirious' eyes. I hated to see him like this. I wasn't helping him, I failed, and look at him.

"Evan we were going to have a great time." Delirious cried.

"Delirious I-" I was interrupted.

"Evan, you have to go. Look what you've done to me." Delirious wiped his tears. "I love you Evan." 

Suddenly, Delirious fell to the floor.

A familiar figure, a familiar mask, a familiar pig. Was this who I think it was?

So many people request the one and only pig. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Also, I cracked my IPod really bad so I will barely post, sorry. Vote and comment what you think. Bye.

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