Daithi De Calibre/H20Vanoss

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(Lui's POV)
Nogla told me that he liked me. I didn't realize how much I liked him. So if we get out of this game, we will tell everyone. Or is this going to last until this game is over. I don't know if I want to be gay, or I don't even know if I want to think of me like that. Though, Nogla is special. He dodged a bullet for me. It's hard to find someone like that.

"I feel the same way." I told Daithi.

He has a huge smile on his face. I was smiling to, but it's was mostly to have a look at his face.

"So are we... together?" He asked.

I froze.  Do I want a boyfriend? No, but I think I know what I want and I want Nogla. So, I guess I do want a boyfriend.

"Yeah, we are." I answered.

I bet Evan feels like a third wheel. The thought of it made me laugh.

"What's so funny?" Daithi questioned.

"We have a third wheel." I replied. I turned around and pointed at Evan.

"Shut up." He laughed. "I'm going to check on Mini and see if Delirious is alright."

"What happened to him?" Nogla asked.

"He got hit by a car." Vanoss. answered. "I'm going now."

"Okay." I said.
(Vanoss' POV)
I walked to the waiting room, I saw Mini with a bag of chips.

"I was wondering where you went. Nogla is better now?" Mini said.

"Yeah, his in his room. You can check up on him if you want." I told Mini.

"Nah, he's probably busy with Lui. Are you going to see Delirious?"

"I'm going to see if I'm allowed and if I am, yeah I'm am."

"Good luck."

I go to the receptionist to see Delirious. I ask her for Johnathan and she tells me his room. I walk down the hallway. Once I see his room, I put my hand on the door knob. I was afraid to see Delirious hurt. I never pictured it. I saw him one time and that's when he got shot. It made me upset especially because it was my fault. This was my fault too and I'm just scared. Though, I twist the knob. I opened the door to see Delirioud sleeping soundly. He had a bandage wrapped around his head. He had scraps and bruises on his face and from what I see, some of his arm. I walk over to him. I feel tears from in my eyes. I grab Delirious' hand and he squeezes my hand. His perfect blue eyes open.

"E-Evan?" He said. I nods my head in response.

"I'm right here." The tears I was trying to hold back burst out.

"Stop crying." He demanded.

"I can't. You're hurt Delirious and it's all my fault. I don't know what I could do to make it all better." I cried.

"I do have problems at home." He said.


"My father beat me and my parents did drugs. I was pick on at school because I was different. I never really told anyone this, but I wanted to kill myself." He stopped for a moment. "Playing with you changed that. Hearing you laugh was the best part of it. That note, it wasn't mine. I never wrote it. I would of told you, but you were arguing with Lui."

"Jonathan, I'm so sorry." I couldn't think of anything else to say.

I lean over to him and pressed my lips against his. It was a very passionate kiss. I felt love spread through my body and at this moment I knew, I loved Delirious back. This kiss explained everything.

"I love you, Jonathan." I said.

Delirious' eyes widen. I got a little nervous because what if all these events that just happened changed his mind about me. Then, he smiled.

"I love you too." He replied.

I kissed him again.

"So what are we now?" He asked.

"Hoodini." I laughed and he chuckled. "But in all seriousness, I know I want to be your boyfriend and protect you forever."

"That's good to hear." He said.

"Alright, you take a nap. I need to all healed up."
(Daithi's POV)
After Evan left, it was pretty silent. Lui just sat on the bet next to me and I stared at him. I just got a boyfriend so what am I going to tell my girlfriend. 'Hey I'm gay and I got a boyfriend.' I guess they're nicer ways to say it. Lui's lucky he was single.


"Yeah." I respond.

"How long is this going to last?" He asked. "I don't want to be here anymore. It's torture. I feel like I'm stuck in a cage calling for help and no ones coming to save me."

"Lui, I'm here to save you." I grabbed his hand. "Nothing's going to get in between me and you. You got that?"

Lui nodded his head.

"Don't you ever feel like your alone because I will always be right next to you. Forever and always." I told him.

I put my hand on his cheek. His put his hand on top of mine and I kissed him on the lips. It was the first time I ever kissed a boy. When we stopped, Lui left me alone in the room so I can sleep. It didn't want him to leave, but I guess he was right. I mean, I do feel so much better than yesterday. He's just probably making sure I get better.
(Lui's POV)
When I left Daithi's room, I was super happy. Even though my boyfriend was hurt, I was just super happy. I finally have Nogla to myself. Once he gets better, there is going to be a whole world just waiting for us.

I was in the waiting room and see Mini and Evan. Evan was smiling and Mink has two bags of chips in his hand.

"How did it go Lui? You two made out?" Mini asked.

"No, but we are dating. So why don't you make a move on Tyler?" I replied.

Mini smiled and I smiled back.

"So, I'm the only one without a boyfriend?"

"No Mini, Evan is single." I told him.

"I'm actually dating Delirious now." Evan mentioned.

"Lui De Calibre and H20Vanoss here! Let's party!" Mini shouted.

"Yeah, I'm going home knowing everything's alright." I said.

"Agreed." Evan added.

"Fine I'll be home too." Mini got up and so did Evan. We all left the hospital. I'm going to come here tomorrow to visit Daithi and maybe Evan will come with me to visit his boyfriend.

I just love the feeling I'm having right now and I think that feeling is... love.

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