All I Want For Christmas...

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[Okay first off The picture above is flipping making me die right now! Like Natsu is the cutest thing that has ever existed on this planet!! Although me and my friend had to agree that Gray needs to be a bit more stripped down than that. I mean, Natsu is doing it so he should be doing it too! Oh and I know the picture isn't Christmas related I just had to have this anyways bruh so come at me! Lastly, I posted a bonus Christmas chapter on my page so you can check that out if you would really like.  Hope you enjoy!]


Today was just like any other day at the fairy tail guild. The guild mates where fighting, drinking, and talking on and on about their past missions. Their was something different about this day though. You see, today was the day before Christmas and something truly special was about to unfold...

"Come at me ya Stripper!" The pinklette yelled to his raven haired rival.

"Oh I will ya stupid Pyro!" The rival returned with a determined gaze.

"Ice Princess!"



"Flame brain!"

Finally after a bit of fighting, their red haired guild mate got up and quickly smashed their faces together, screaming "Shut up you two or I will come and join your fight myself!"

"Yeas mam!" they both squeaked as their faces went bright red.

Stupid Erza! Why did she have to smash us into each other like that!? And why is my face red all of a sudden! Natsu's mind was racing with these thoughts as he looked back at his raven haired opponent. Unluckily for him it looked as if he hadn't been fazed by it at all.

I am so lucky I have ice magic or I would be so screwed right now! If I wasn't able to cool down my face like that, he would have seen my blush and became suspicious! Gray thought as he avoided any chance to look at the adorable boys face.

Gray then quickly got to his feet and walking over to the bar with the straightest face that he could muster up.  "Mira could you get me a drink?" The raven quickly requested without giving a second glance to his pink haired crush.

"Hey, what's this?" Natsu exclaimed while picking up a small piece of paper that lay on the ground. On the paper was a list which Natsu began to read:

My Christmas List
By Gray Fullbuster

1. Clothes tight enough that I can't strip it off but is still comfortable.
2. Erza to not beat me and Natsu up if one of her cake slices disappears.
3. Get something from someone special.
4. Kiss someone in the snow.

When Natsu finished he looked up and Gray and back to the picture. {Oh yeah I didn't say this but he was reading it in his mind not out loud} Gray really made this? I never knew that Gray really cared about the Christmas season... You know what! I am going to complete this list for him! Maybe then he will actually join us in are Christmas celebrations. Natsu smiled as he began to plan for his little scheme. "Happy! Lucy! Erza!  Juvia!  Meet me at my place! I need your help on something!" The pinklette yelled while running out the guild doors.

The four guild members turned their heads to look at their pink haired friend before he ran out the doors at top speed.  "Um... That was weird." Lucy stated while giving the doors a blank stare.

"Yeah, what could Natsu-San even want with the four of us?" Juvia said before getting up from her chair.

"Aye, I saw Natsu looking at some piece of paper earlier so maybe it has something to do with that..." Happy whispered to his red, blue, and blonde haired friends.

My Little Dragon {Holiday Gratsu/ Natray Fanfictions}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon