Halloween Day AU {A.K.A. Author's Universe}

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Hey Guys!  This is going to be my last Halloween chapter before the season ends, sorry. ;(  I have been super busy lately so sorry about not getting out to many updates! :L I am also in the process of finding a beta reader/ editor for my stories that way I can hopefully make the chapters longer and also be able to update more often!  Oh and I have been preparing another story that I will be working on while I wait for Christmas to come around so don't worry peeps I am not totally abandoning you! Now for the final Halloween Gratsu fic of the season. (XD One more thing sorry if their are grammar mistakes, I go kinda lazy.)


~<Gray's Pov>~

"So it's been three years then, wow Gray you really are dedicated!  I proposed to Lucy after 4 mouths of dating her."  Loke chuckled from the chair across from me.  Me and my best friend Loke where sitting at the kitchen table that was located in the center of his dining room/ kitchen.  Oh and if you are wondering why I am here, the truth is I am planning on proposing to Natsu this weekend and who better to go to for love advise than the "Chick Magnet" himself.

"Loke, I am serious!" I stated while giving his a harsh stare.

"Gray, I never would imagined that YOU, of all people, could be this clueless!  Natsu obviously loves you so stop over thinking it!" Loke said while trying to cheer me up a bit.

"Yes but even if he does say yes, I want the moment to be perfect!  I want it to be one we would never forget, a proposal is a giant step in someones life you know!"  I exclaimed, causing Loke to take a step back. After a few seconds of awkward silence, we both heard the opening of a door and then a sweat voice yelling "Sweetheart I am home!"

Loke turned to face me giving me the 'One minute while I go make out with my wife' face so I sat back down with a sigh as Loke ran into the hall.  After another minute or two, the couple walked into the kitchen.  Lucy was blushing and Loke was smirking with the 'That, is how you make the ladies love you' face.  Then I looked back scowling with the 'You know I don't swing that way ya idiot' face (Yes they have created their own language, don't question it!).  He just smiled back as he kissed his wife's cheek and whispered something in her ear. 

Right away her face went back to normal as she giggled a little and looked over at me saying "Soooo... you decided to finally propose Huh?!"  I then blushed and looked to my side while nodding and she began to laugh a bit more before walking over and sitting next to me.  "Gray if you came here to get advice I just want to tell you that you don't have to worry about him denying you! He really does love you just as much as you love him so don't worry."  She then bent over and lightly pecked my cheek, I then smiled and lightly brought her into a friendly hug.

"I want some of this hugging action!" Loke said as he threw his arms around the both of us.  We all laughed before we broke apart, smiling brightly.

"Now tell me all the info, when are you going to propose?"  She said with a smirk as the two bent in closer, curiosity marking every inch of their faces. 

"Actually I was planning on doing it on Halloween!  I thought it would be romantic to do it on our favorite day of the year."  I said excitedly as the two started to laugh ounce again.

I looked down at my hands feeling embarrassed as Loke gave me a little pat on the back.  "Don't worry man, that will be-"

"Perfect!"  Lucy yelled before Loke could finish.  We all chuckled and talked for another hour or so before I told them it was about time that I should go home.  When I got out of the house I quietly sighed before I got in my car to drive home.

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