Human 6- Cassius Viktorsson (WaywardSon6789)

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Name of Rider: Cassius Viktorsson

Age of Rider (if elf, real age and age they look like): 19

Hometown: Dras Leona

Celebrity Look-a-like (please choose one): Jensen Ackles

Physical Description: tall and muscular from farm life (but not extremely buff). Has brown hair, a chiseled chin that is usually covered in stubble, and very dark blue eyes.

Personality Traits (3-5 please): Cassius is very arrogant, and he never wants to admit he is wrong. He is also very confident in his abilities. Cassius is a very determined and cunning person, with the intelligence and strength to be able to accomplish many things. But, his confidence is also his downfall, for he underestimates many people and because of this he is sometimes blindsided by "inconceivable" things. Cas is fiercely loyal to a select few people, and tends to shut out all others. He also knows that he can be a jerk, but he doesn't care for he is proud of who he is and knows that those closest to him do not care (because he is not mean to them). His honesty is select. Cas will sometimes be very blunt and truthful, but other times he will weave a tale of lies like a master con artist. He takes great pride in his creativity and problem solving abilities and hates being second best. Cassius is a hard worker, and he is quite witty. His family (both by blood and choice) are the people he puts first. Or, He usually puts them before himself, the only time he doesn't is when it gets in the way of his goals. Cassius loves to accomplish what others say is impossible.

Description of Sword (if able to wield another weapon, please explain): a two handed sword that is longer than most (not too long, but he is stronger and can weild a larger sword than most with surprising skill and accuracy). He is also able to wield a dagger and is able to use a bow, just not as well as he can use his sword.

Species: Human

Favorite Animal (besides dragon): A lion

Favorite Color: gold

Worst Fear: Dying before he can achieve his goals

Name of Dragon: Amora

Description of Dragon (personality and color): a bright red dragon the color of magma. She is as hotheaded as her rider and the two of them together are a scary duo. She is prideful, protective, sassy, and very outgoing. She is more of a social butterfly than her rider, but she is loyal to very few. She loves fiercely and loves to live in the moment. She doesn't like to think things through, instead she likes to rush into the action and rely on her skills to get herself out unlike her rider who likes to have a plan. She is very competitive and loves praise.

Favourite Activity/Pass-time: Exploring the land and challenging themselves in any way possible, whether that be fighting a tough beast or hiking up steep mountains.

Favourite Training Activity: breaking into others' minds and sword fighting

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