Human 5- Cerran Blackfyre (32onedoesnotsimply)

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Name of Rider: Cerran Blackfyre

Age of Rider: 19

Hometown: Lithgow

Celebrity Look-a-like: Sebastian Stan

Physical Description: Dark brown, almost black hair that has a bit of a wave to it. Piercing blue eyes and defined cheekbones. Moderate stature, relatively pale skin.

Personality Traits: Logical and not very creative. Can be very passionate about certain things. Introverted and strong-willed.

Description of Sword: Steel longsword with a sleek, silvery blade, shot through with amber colored flecks. Simple hilt, wrapped in black leather, embedded with 5 pieces of amber in varying size. Currently unnamed.

Species: Human

Favorite Animal: Fox

Favorite Color: forest green

Worst Fear: Ironically, heights; anything more than a few feet off of the ground terrifies him to no end

Name of Dragon: Sirath

Description of Dragon: Glimmering grey scales that range from the lightest silver to the darkest charcoal. Amber, orangish eyes. Quite an awkward, klutzy thing. She tries hard, but can't seem to handle being on the ground. Often, she hovers above the ground rather than moving on it. Because of this, her wing muscle are more developed and are large compared to the rest of her lithe, lean frame.

Favorite Activity/Pass-time: Taking long walks to clear his head.

Favorite Training Activity: Learning and practicing magic; Cerran enjoys a challenge, magic being the best he's found.

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