Human 1- Gerald Stark (reader024)

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Name of Rider: Gerald Stark

Age: 17

Hometown: Belatona

Celebrity look-a-like: Andrew Garfield

Physical Description: Gerald stands at 5'11, and has a small muscular build. He is lightly tanned, but would be considered pale by most. His face is more round than most, but it has an attractive trait to it. His eyes are a dark chocolate brown, that contrasts his skin. His eyebrows are also dark and thick. Gerald's face is cleanly shaved, except for the small patch of facial hair under his chin.

Personality Traits: He is very stubborn. For Gerald, it is hard to accept that others have different views than him. Gerald will argue until he proves his point, and usually doesn't change his opinion on anything. Along with his stubbornness, he is also perspicacious. He has knowledge of the world that most citizens in his hometown doesn't have. Gerald gained his knowledge by studying with the scholar that lived in his hometown, before leaving unexpectedly. According to many people, Gerald is too charitable and caring. He will always put others first, and think of himself last. He knows it isn't an ideal quality to have in life, but he can't help it.

Description of Sword: Gerald's sword is meant for one hand, but he usually uses two. His sword is a light violet color at the tip, but gets darker towards the base. The hilt is an ivory color, with black spirals wrapping around it. The pommel holds a lavender colored gem, that reflects off the sun beautifully.

Species: Human

Favorite Animal: Cardinal

Favorite Color: Green

Worst Fear: Being rejected, and isolation

Name of Dragon: Raela

Description of Dragon: Raela is a light lavender purple scaled dragon. She shares most of the same traits as Gerald except charity. She does what is needed, and if she is given an option to make herself appear better, then she will most likely choose that option. Raela thinks she is humorous, but is most likely making bad jokes. She is very protective over Gerald, like most dragons, and will give her life for him.

Favorite Activity/pass time: Playing his flute his mother made for him, and being with his friends.

Favorite Training Activity: Sparring or anything mental

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