Human 3- Ariella Mercy (ToothlessLover777)

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Name Of Rider: Ariella Mercy

Age of Rider: 17

Hometown: Teirm

Celebrity look alike: Kiera Knightley (with blonde hair)

Physical description: Has choppy blonde hair that falls just below her shoulders, when she's is walking around town she will usually wear it down but at home she puts it up in a bun or pony tail. Pale blue eyes, with a dark blue ring around them. Fair complexion, very few freckles. Prominent jaw line and cheek bones. Really, really short for her age, it's a touchy subject.

Personality traits: Extremely strong willed, to the point where she will argue with anyone, just to let them know that she is right. Hence, she hates being wrong. Dislikes pleasant social interaction, like dinner parties etc. Finds that looks convey emotions far better than words. Has a soft spot for her hometown and as much as she wouldn't want to admit it, she actually does like a lot of the people there. Other than that she doesn't really care about much and this sometimes comes off as snobby or stuck up.

Description of sword: ((Ren'laust )) Pommel holds a pure white stone, when you hold it under the light at the right angle you can see a spectrum of colors. Has a hand and a half hilt, as she usually uses it one handed unless making particularly strong blows. Light weight blade is ideal for quick maneuvers and speed.

Species: Human

Favorite animal: Hedgehog

Favourite Color: Doesn't pay much attention to colors she does like the idea of white ( as in white light in the color spectrum being a combination of all color)

Worst fear: Fear of commitment, and having someone dependent on her.

Name of dragon: Iridian

Description of dragon: His scales are white and he takes great pleasure in polishing them so that they shine. It often captivates people how they glitter in the sunlight. Despite this he never really appreciated his scales till he was older and was always jealous of the other dragons who had far deeper and prettier hues. In contrast to his riders personality he is quite timid around others but still knows when to tell his rider no, which is needed on quite a few occasions. As he grows older he becomes a bit more arrogant and needs Ariella to take him down every now and then. Despite this he is quite insecure.

Favourite activity/ past time: With out question flying or anything that involves speed.

Favorite training activity: Practicing and learning new sword maneuvers, Ariella enjoys moving fast and impressing people with her skills. She thinks that she needs to prove herself to the elves and that the only way to do this is to become as fast and intelligent as them.

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