"I-I-I think I like you, and I think I trust you now,"

"Thank you Phil. Thank you for your trust." I was relieved, I had already redeemed myself from my previous asshole actions.

"That's not just it," Phil said sheepishly and looked to the floor, messing around with his feet in the process.

"Okay, tell me when you're ready, I'm not going to pressurise you into saying or doing anything, don't worry."

"Dan?" Phil questioned, finally looking up. "Have you ever thought about being in a relationship like right now?"

"I mean, yeah, it would be nice, but no one would date me and I haven't got a chance to be honest," I said, sort of hinting at him.

As time went on in mine and Phil's relationship, the more I thought about how much I would love to have a relationship with him, how truly beautiful he really was. The way his tongue stuck out at the right side of his mouth when he laughed and trying to cover it up, the way his dark hair creates gaps and how he sorts it out, how each haircut he gets suits in and makes me envious, how literally perfect he is.

In the world, there should be more Phil Lesters.

"We were just on about whether you and I would suit and how, well, trustworthy you actually are. Nothing to be sad or paranoid about."

"Oh okay, thank you for trusting me and telling me."

"It's okay and sorry for making it seem like it was something bad."

"No, it's okay." 

After a few minutes, it had just tuned to eight o'clock and I thought it would be easier if Phil just slept over than walk home now and in the dark.

"Do you wanna sleep over?"

"What, today?" He asked, looking generally shocked at my offer

"Yeah, I mean, why not? Are you sure it's okay though?"

"Of course, you're always welcome and if I didn't want you here then I wouldn't have asked you originally,"

"Okay, thanks, I'll just text my Mum letting her know."


Phil's Mum agreed as expected but he said that he wanted to go home first very briefly just to pick up his things. We went into the hallway, put on our shoes, taking it in turns to sit on the stairs and do up our laces and left.

Thankfully, Phil's house wasn't too far away so we got there in relatively good time. As his parents weren't home still, he let himself in with his key and told me to come up with him.

His room was similar to mine, just larger and neater.

Each wall was scattered with various band merchandise like My Chemical Romance, Muse, GreenDay, Fall Out Boy and Panic! At The Disco. It also had many photos of a random female.



"Who is this women that's all over your wall?"

"Oh my god, you don't know how Sarah Michelle Gellar is?"

"No, I don't think so. Why?"

"Right, that's it." Phil said confidently and came to the same area of his room to me and picking up a box set. "You're watching Buffy."

"Buffy?" I was still so confused

As I awkwardly waited for him to gather his belongings, I walked over to his CD collection, which was next to me and picked up a box set which said 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'.

He finally finished and said "okay let's go," and we left the house.

We got home and out put the DVD player and went to lie down on my bed. As my bed was small and I lied down first, Phil put his head on my chest.

During episode one, out the corner of my eye I could see that Phil was looking up, so I looked down and saw him smiling, making m smile.

Both of our gazes were flickering to our lips, it was obvious.

"Dan," Phil said, still looking at my features, "don't freak out what I'm about to do,"

Phil pushed up his body and met his lips with mine, sealing them together. The kiss was passionate and lustful, so he moved down to my neck. Starting by kissing it slightly, then to mildly biting, to full on sucking.

He continued to do this, "P-Phil."

He silenced me, carrying on.

About three minutes later Phil stopped and backed his head away, "crap, I'm sorry."

I got up and checked the in the mirror, my neck was scattered in love bites.

"That's okay," I left the room and went into my Mum's room. Thankfully, my Mum was a very close skin tone to me and had more that one bottle of foundation, so I took one and went back into my room.

I didn't cover it up tomorrow as no one would see it. We were both tired so we just went to sleep, in the same way as we were before, just the way I liked it.

A/N thank you for 2000 reads! (And 100 votes and 28 comments)!
I'm ill and on Christmas holidays so expect more updates.

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