A work of Art

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After putting on the dress Michel sent over me it dawned on me that I really shouldn't be going to this opening, moreover with Marc but now it was too late.
While waiting patiently for the elevator to arrive at the foyer I took an appreciative glance of myself in the reflection of elevator doors. This dress was a simple ivory pencil dress with a high square neck line but a low V-cut in the back, simple and elegant, topped of with a a nice pair of Jimmy Choo of the same colour. All in all I was quite pleased with Michel's selection, simple and elegant; I will have to remember to thank him. The elevator announced that we've arrived at the lobby; before the doors fully opened I took a deep breath and prepared myself for the rest of this evening.

On the way to the gallery Marc sat talking on his phone the entire, I tried to let it bother me as it shouldn't we're not together nor is this a date. However, the mere fact I did not want to be here in the first place and he forced me to accede to his request and now he just sits there talking into his Bluetooth piece. Finally, we arrived and I wasted no time in exiting making my way towards the entrance of the gallery.

"Claire! Wait up." Marc jolted me to an abrupt stop,

"I'm sorry that call took too long I tried to end it as quickly as I could."

"Don't worry about it, let us just get on with the evening." He simply nodded his head and held out his arm for me to take it, with a forced smile I accepted and continued forward. Our arrival together did turn some heads and I am sure that tomorrow there will be a photo or two in the tabloids.

The gallery floor itself was amazing, a large open floor with marble tiles and columns the art work was display along the floor walls along with a few that hung from the ceiling creating the image of a floating cube. The room was quite alive with chatter and avid art lovers fawning over the various pieces of art.

"Nate really outdid himself, huh?" Marc whispered a little too close for my liking, the last thing I need is people around to start making assumptions so I increased our proximity. Then with a sudden realization I took in what Marc just said,

"What?" I grabbed his arm to divert his attention back to me. "What did you just say?"

"Nate, its his gallery, his opening. I thought you knew, in fact I'm sure you did."

"Yes, you're right I do remember that he was working on opening an art gallery, I just hadn't realised this was the one."

"Let me get you a glass of champagne."

"No, I'll have a scotch." Marc raised an eyebrow at my odd request but didn't question it. If I was going to see Nate tonight, worse being here with Marc will not go over well. Marc returned with my drink but didn't stay long as apparently he met up with an old college buddy at the bar. He wanted me to join him but I declined using the excuse that I would like to have a walk around the gallery.

Slowly making my way around I took time to appreciate each piece, I didn't have much experience in art except for the one art history course I had in University. With the little I knew I was able to identify that some pieces were avant-garde or carried a Gothic style, there were two pieces I found very artistic and colourful that I thought would look lovely in my office, so I arranged to purchase both as they were actually a series.

"Simply stunning, its unusual to see photography mixed in with such a opening but I absolutely love these pieces, what do you think?" I wasn't aware that the person was indeed asking me the question until I felt a slight tap, turning around to find a silver-haired man smiling at me, "So what do you think?" he asked again this time gesturing towards the display hanging from the ceiling. Following the path of his hands I examined the pieces properly, firstly there were a series black and white photographs; a total of two cubes dangling in the centre. One cube had a collection of landscapes while the other portraits. Despite the fact they were suspended from the ceiling as if they were chandeliers, that isn't what halted my breathing. They were mine. These were photos I had taken so long ago I had even forgotten about them. I was so stunned that I hadn't realised when the silver-haired man left nor did I take notice of the persons who came and went, I simply just stood there in awe.

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