The Late Night Deliver

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"Are you feeling better now?" Grayson asked Drake worriedly. "That was pretty intense, even for you!"

"I'm fine." Drake muttered, sitting up, then groaning and plopping back down. "Ow..." He muttered.

"Here, Drake, have another healing potion." Mia handed the flask to her fallen friend.

"No, please." Drake muttered. "Another one of those, and I'm going to be sick. In fact-" he hunched over, a hand covering his mouth.

"Get the bucket!" Mia yelled, and Grayson ran.

He got back just in time, and Drake grabbed it in haste, vomiting all over the insides of it.

"Ugh..." Mia grimaced. "That is.... So disgusting."

Drake came up for air, gave her a faint playful glare, before being submerged again.

About a minute later, Drake emerged from the mass of sick, coughed a few times, but was better.

But he was still pale as he said. "Th- *Hack Hack* Thanks." He rasped.

"Don't mention it." Grayson made a face. "You look.... awful dude."

"Thanks." Drake gave a weary smile. "I try."

The pair grinned at him, and helped him to his feet.

Drake winced, but after a few circles around the bedroom, he was fine.

"I'm glad you're okay, Drake." Mia smiled. "But..." She added. "That wasn't just a headache Drake.... That was a full on migraine!"

"Yeah. Headaches don't make you throw up man." Grayson pointed out.

"Yeah... I know." Drake muttered. "And it had something to do with that dragon." He glanced at Armen, who was currently chasing his tail in the hallway.

"I don't know what, though." Drake shook his head in frustration. "None of it makes sense! Only Herobrine made me feel that way, and he's gone!"

"I don't know." Mia shrugged helplessly. "It's almost night, Drake. Do you want to stay with Grayson, or, should I accompany you back?"

"I'll be fine in my own, guys." The Mage croaked, a reassuring but tired look on his face.

"Are you sure?" Mia insisted. "It's really not that much trouble-"

"I'm fine Mia." Drake cut her off. "It's okay."

And he started towards the door.

"Feel free to visit me tomorrow." He called over his shoulder.

And then he was gone.

And Grayson and Mia glanced at each other, sadly, knowing that this new Drake was a ton different than the Drake they once knew. And they secretly knew, that he was already half gone.

As Drake approached his home, he heard commotion coming from the clearing.

He dashed over, but nothing was there.

He sighed.

Now you're imagining things Drake...

He shook his head, and entered his cave.

And found something on the counter.

He picked up the tiny bottle, the contents a milky purplish blue, and read the label.

Use it wisely.

And he automatically realized what was in the bottle.

And smiled.

Well... That was that chapter! Hope you guys liked it! I really love writing this book! X3 I hope you guys like reading it! Thanks! ~Dream

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