Chapter 8(finally!!!)

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Arielle pov

I walked down the stairs and saw Michael and I blushed.

"What's up Ariel" calum said and I looked at him.

"Uh nothing why " I asked kinda nervous.

"Just asking do you want to go shopping with me " he asked and I shaked my head no.

"Well to bad your going" he said and I went up to my room and changed. I wore my my chemical romance shirt with some black jeans and i put on my black converse.

"I'm ready calum" I said Ann he looked at me and we walked out of the door.

"So why are we going to the mall" I asked.

"To buy you clothes and girl stuff oh and the other guys will take you tommorow I just wanted to spoil you " he said and I just sat there quietly until we got to the mall and got off the car and walked in.

"Ok where do you want to go first" he asked and I shrugged.

"We are going to hot topic then cause i like there clothes " he said and we walked in to this awesome store I got a couple band shirts and some jeans.

"Is that all you want from here " he asked and I nodded not wanting him to waste much .

"Ok how about we go to forever 21" he asked and i nodded. We walked in and saw there was a lot of girly girl clothes ew.

"Here try this dress on we might need it" he said shoving a gold short tight sparkly dress i went in the dressing room out it on. I looked at my self and I looked fat ugh.

I walked out and calum saw me and his jaw dropped.

"Ok your getting this " I guess he wants me to show as much as skin as possible.

"Here try this skirt on oh and how about this crop top " he said and shoved mini skater skirts and normal skater skirt crop tops and jeans dresses oh god.

We came out of that store with a crap load of things. We went to a couple more stores until I said.

"I'm tired and hungry" and he nodded first we headed to Starbucks.

"What do you want to eat " he asked.

"Pizza" I said and he nodded and we headed to the food court and got food.

"So what do you want to talk about mags" he asked.

"Well today uh you see" I said thinking about if I should tell him .

"You got your monthly bitch" he said and I shaked my head blushing.

"No I told Michael I liked him and he likes me to" I said blushing like crazy.

"Finally" he said and I looked at him like the fuck.

"You guys been looking at each other like crazy it gets on my nerves and what are you going to tell Luke" he asked and I haven't thought about it I just shrugged my shoulders.

"We should go Ariel they are texting me like crazy " he said and I nodded and carried my bags to the car.

We got to the house and got my bags and walked in.

"Ariel we are going to a party wanna come or nah" Michael asked me and I nodded.

"Go get ready" he said and I nodded and it to my room and put on the gold dress I got and put on my black pumps and put on some make up smokey eye and red lipstick and went walking downstairs and they saw me.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU WEARING"Luke yelled at me and I looked at him.

"A dress" I said and the rest of the guys where checking me out.

"Let's go Ariel" Michael said and took my hand and we walked toward the truck.

We got to the party and it turns out that i could drink in this party but Luke said no but I don't care I'm still drinking.

We got off And Michael and I went in.

"Let's go get a drink" I said and he nodded and we walked towards the drinks . Michael gave me a red cup and I smelled it. You could really smell the alcohol and I took a
drink. The alcohol burned my throat but it felt good in away.

"Let's dance " I said and pulled Michael to dance floor. I started grinding at him and saw Luke he looked at me and almost came running to me and pulled me apart from Michael he dragged me to the truck and I saw all of them and put my head on calums shoulder. I fell asleep.

"Ariel  wake up where here" I heard calum said and I got up.

"Where's Luke " I asked kinda nervous.

"He's inside waiting for you he's pretty pissed of at you" he said and I frowned  at the thought of Luke being mad at me.

"He's mad at me" I said and felt someone hug me it was calum.

"He will get over it" he said and we walked inside.

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