Chapter Twenty-Two: Years.

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2 Years Later. (Andrea's P.O.V):

So if you seen that 2 Years Later thing, that means it has been two years and a lot has happened. Kian and I wound up staying together, and we are engaged. Our kids Skye and Connor are turning 2 this year! We are planning a trip to Hawaii with them. And Kian and I are going to couples counseling for our problems that we have had in the past. I don't want to but I'll do anything for Kian and our kids. I also began writing a book about me and Kian's relationship. I thought it was a good idea for when we are old and gray and we can reflect back on all the stupid stuff we did. I'm a lot happier than I was two years ago, and I'm becoming a better person.

Kian's P.O.V:

2 years. Wow. You missed a lot of stuff. I proposed to Andrea at place of our first date. I was actually really scared that she wasn't going to say yes, but she did. I also made her and I go to couples counseling, we had some crazy shit happen while we were dating. Did I mention that Jc got out of jail? Yeah Ricky bailed him out and now he's waiting for a trial. I knew it wasn't Jc's fault that he almost got me and Ricky killed, or maybe it is. I don't know, but I forgave him and were slowly becoming besties. Our kids Skye and Connor are turning two soon, man they grow up so fast. I'm sorta hoping Connor will become a professional youtuber like his mom and dad. Andrea wants Skye to become an actress. Eh you never know it could happen. Probs won't but whatever. I also started having Andrea take her pills so she wasn't so crazy. No offense. She was crazy 2 years ago. But she is becoming a better person and I couldn't ask for a better and soon to be wife or family. I love them to death. 


So I know this was kind of a weird way to end the book, but I'm done with this book and the readers that actually read this book deserve an ending. So whoop there it is! I know some people might want me to continue this book, but I already decided that I'm not. It's not that interesting to me anymore. So yeah. Check out my other books please! Whale I love you all. Bye!👋❤️

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