Chapter Eighteen: Lies

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A month later (Kian's P.O.V):
It has been a month since Andrea and I went to the doctors to see the gender of the baby's. I still can't believe that we are having twins. This week our parents are coming to visit us and see how the baby is doing. Andrea thought it would be good for us to have our parents come visit us cause we haven't seen them since when we went to Andrea's house for New Years. I last seen my parents 2 or 3 weeks ago. Our parents are coming on Wednesday morning this week Andrea just told me.

"Kian can you finish doing the laundry and dishes please I want this place to look nice for our parents." Andrea said. We have been cleaning all morning and I don't know why she wants to clean now when its only Monday.
"Yeah I will, after that want to go grab some lunch?" I asked her. I looked up from folding the laundry and smiled at her.
"Sorry I can't I'm going with Jenn and Arden to go shop for more stuff for the baby and then to lunch and then I have to film my YouTube video. But I love you." Andrea said and she smiled. She walked over to me and gave me a kiss then walked away.
"I love you too..." I said but I know Andrea couldn't hear me, so I just kept cleaning.

Andrea's P.O.V:
I feel bad that I keep blowing Kian off but I have other things to worry about then going out to like a movie or something with him. Well I better start getting ready.

1 hour later:
"Kian I'll be back later." I said once I got to the bottom of the stairs. I didn't get any answer, maybe he left to go hang out with Ricky or something. "Well I guess bye then? since your not even here..." I said and walked out of the door and into Jenn's car.

Kian's P.O.V:
"Hey Andrea look what I found! it's a box from the basement full of pictures of us together, I thought maybe we cou-" I stopped because I noticed Andrea left. I sighed then walked over to the table and sat down. I opened the box and began looking at the pictures of Andrea and I. I smiled at them as I looked at them. I kinda felt sad looking at the pictures because I feel like I'm losing Andrea... I don't want to lose Andrea. I love her to much to let her go...

Andrea's P.O.V:
"Hey guys." I said to Arden and Jenn as we started driving off.
"Hey, where's Kian?" Arden asked me.
"Yeah I thought he was coming with us." Jenn said.
"Um he wasn't feeling to well this morning so he decided to stay home." I told them. But it was a lie, Kian felt fine I just didn't really want him to come.
"Bummer, it would have been more fun with him." Arden said, I looked at her and she smiled.
"Yeah I guess so." I said and smiled a fake smile back to Arden.
"So how are you, Kian and the baby doing?" Jenn asked me.
"I'm doing good and so is the baby and you know apart from Kian being sick he's doing good I guess." I said and did a fake little laugh then I started playing with my fingers.
"Well okie then Andrea."Jenn said and soon we got to the stores to shop for more stuff for the baby.

Kian's P.O.V:
I kept looking at some of the pictures when I heard a knock on the door. Maybe it was Andrea and she forgot her key or something. I got up,walked over and opened the door. It was one of my friends, her name is Bethany.

"Hi Kian." Bethany said and she smiled at me.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" I asked her.
"Just thought I would come by and visit I guess because I haven't seen you in a while." Bethany said and I smiled.
"Oh ok, so how are you doing?" I asked her.
"Great, my Youtube channel is really taking off, what about you?" Bethany asked me and she smiled.
"Good, I am getting better from what happened with my memory loss and Andrea's pregnant with twins so i'm doing pretty good." I said and smiled.
"Memory loss omg Kian are you okay? what happened?" Bethany asked me she sounded shocked.
"Yeah i'm okay and I got into a car accident with 2 of my friends and I lost my memory but I got it back but that night is kind of a blur." I told Bethany.
"Wow, that must have been hard on Andrea." Bethany said and she rubbed my back.
"Yeah it was but she helped me get through it." I told Bethany and she smiled.
"Great, where is Andrea anyways?" Bethany asked me.

Andrea's P.O.V:
"I'm going to text Kian and tell him I hope he feels better." Arden said and she smiled.
"Ok." I said but I didn't really listen to what she said. "Wait no!" I shouted and tried to grab the phone from her hands.
"Too late." Arden said and she hit send. I know Kian is going to read that message and know I lied to him, Arden and Jenn about him not coming and being sick.
"Andrea what's going on?" Jenn asked me. I turned and looked at her. At this point I really didn't know what to tell her.

Kian's P.O.V:
I heard my phone ding, I looked and saw I had a text from Arden. I unlocked my phone and saw what the text said.

Hey Kian, Andrea told me you weren't feeling well and that's why you couldn't come with us. I hope you get better soon, wish you could have came!😽😸

I didn't know what she was talking about but I decided to reply back anyways.

To Arden👸😊:
Hey Arden. Thanks but i'm fine, I actually don't know what Andrea told you because i'm not sick. And she also never told me I was invited to come with you guys. But thanks anyways😊

I locked my phone and put it into my pocket. When Andrea comes home she has a lot of explaining to do.
Finally updated! Is this a good chapter or not? idek😂 well see ya when I see ya! xoxo Destiny😘

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