Go and look it up

Start from the beginning

"I had his old crutch in one hand and a copy of today's paper in the other. Morris took the paper and ripped it up. They said the story was a bucket of lies. I tried to stomp off, but Oscar had a hard grip on my arm. They kept on talking, such cruel things. I kept spitting back insults trying to protect myself. It didn't work. Morris pushes me into Oscar. He leaned forward and I could not move back. I was stuck. He pushed his lips onto mine. Oscar finally let go. I was in shock. Morris laughed at me. That I was the supposed Newsie tough girl. Oscar was about to do it again. I slammed Crutchie old crutch into his face. And ran off."

Everyone was silent. Not a peep came from anyone's mouth. But the busy street sounds didn't make it completely quiet. Les runs up and wrapped his arm my legs. He was trying to hug me. I bend down and get in my knees. Les then wraps his arms around me and squeezes me. I hug him back. Les doesn't have to talk to make you feel loved.

Les lets go and I stand up, but little Les holds onto my hand. Davey looks mad. He starts to talk, but I hate the words that come out of his mouth. "That's it! I will get the guys and we will go after them Delancey and show them--"

I interrupt him. "NO!....Listen. This strike is not going to get easier. It is going to be hard. So don't make it harder on yourself.... " I look at him. Davey looks ashamed. Les is still holding onto my hand. He is nodding at  me. I sigh and keep talking.  "First things first. We need to find Jack. He is our president after all. Now Medda's theater is just a block away I suggest we look there next."

We all walk to Irving Hall which is a shorter walk from where we were that I thought.

I burst open the backstage door and walks up to the catwalk above the stage so I can see everything that is going on in the theater. And there my eyes see him. I should be surprised but I'm not. He has just been here hiding from everything, from...us.

I shout from the catwalk at him, "Well how about letting a pal know you're alive!"

He hears  the noise and looks up to find us. Just Davey and  me. We told Katherine and Les to wait outside just in case Jack wasn't here.

"What does a fella have ta do ta get away from you people!" 

"Where did you go? We couldn't find ya." Davey yells as all of us ascend down from the catwalk and on to the stage where Jack was painting something. A horizon of someplace beautiful.

I see Medda standing in a light green floral robe. I tip my hat at her and she winks.  "I'll leave you with your friends." She says and walks off. Jack groans knowing what is about to happen.

"Jack..." I say and drift off in my voice. His head snaps towards us. He's broken. I can tell. Completely shattered.

"Did you ever think I didn't wanna be found?" He said going back to his painting. He's trying to ignore get us to leave. Well, let me tell you you ain't
get rid off me that easy!

Davey looks at me. He decide to be happy and try to make Jack happy too. Poor Davey.  "Is that a real place, that Santa Fe? Hey, did you see the papes? We're front page, above the fold! Oh yes. Above. The fold." He shows Jack the newspaper, but Jack completely blows it off. "Good for you."

Davey not caring gets going on with his ramble that he has started. "Everyone wants to meet the famous Jack Kelly. Even Spot Conlon sent over a kid just to say next event, you can count on Brooklyn! How bout that?" 

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