A dog?

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18 years later

When Alexandria was around two years old we heard news of another child being born. Michael and my good friend Chloee were expecting a baby at anytime. We also had two weddings the year Alex was born.

Luke married my friend Allie about a month before Ashton proposed to Kaybre. It's funny because when we were younger we all talked about marrying 5 seconds of summer but deep down we knew it would never happen, but then, it did. Life is funny that way.

"Hey mom." Alex was walking down the stairs to get breakfast.
"Hey honey." I said from my perch at a chair by the bar. "Are you ready for tonight?" Today was Alexandria's, Alex's, senior prom. She smiled and began to fix a bowl of cereal. "Yeah I am. Cason is taking me to a fancy Indian place with a bunch of friends." I'm getting old. "Oh, that sounds nice. I'm glad you agreed to go with him." Cason is Chloee and Michaels little boy, he is a great kid that has autism. He doesn't have that many friends because he doesn't like to talk in big crowds. "Yeah. I'm actually surprised he asked me. You know because of the autism and stuff." I knew. Last year Cason was bullied so much for not speaking he attempted suicide. When Chloee and Michael found him laying on the floor,unconscious,with a bottle of pills beside him they freaked. They considered having him homeschooled but he decided to finish out high school like a normal kid. After everyone heard about what happened the friends that he had stood up for him at anytime.

9 hours later
"Hey babe." Calum came home from work before Alex had to leave. "Hey." He kissed me on the cheek then went to change clothes.

When Cason came to pick up Alex we took multiple pictures and finally sent them on their way. They left and Calum and I were sitting on the couch. Remembering my youth always brings back good memories but the best memories are the ones I have made with Calum and some of my now best friends. There has been ups and downs but that's what makes a strong bond stronger. I love everyone in my life and can't wait until we begin making more memories to last a life time.

"Hey so I was thinking. What are we going to do when Alex hoes off to college next year?" Calum squeezed my hand. I smiled and said, "I was thinking we could get a dog."

Authors Note
MrsLukeHemmings5853 PropertyofAshton propertyofmclifford 
These people are the best. This chapter of for yall. Ilysm! This is the end and it has been an amazing journey. I like how this turned out although very cliché. Thank you to everyone who has read it. I love you all.

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