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It's been two months since Calum returned and he hasn't left my side. We have been hanging out and getting to know each other again. (Or at least the things we forgot, although I remembered most in detail) Day after day I wonder what happened those three years we weren't together. Of course I have followed the boys on social media but I haven't talked to them over text or FaceTime. Yes, the past months have been amazing but it's also a little awkward because of our past feelings and the fact that we haven't been able to talk normally for such a long time.

Today Calum and I are going to a music festival in Metro-Atlanta. It starts around 9:30 so Calum slept at my apartment last night. We got ready then headed to a small cafe downtown to eat breakfast. While we were there about 15 people noticed Calum and asked for a picture and an autograph. One girl even asked for mine.

A little while later we were pulling into the convert venue. "I'm so glad you agreed to this." Calum got out of the car and got our tickets and extra money from the console. "Yeah, why wouldn't I? This is going to be fun!" Running his fingers through his wavy hair he smirked and said,"I just didn't want things to get awkward between us, you know?" Nodding I hopped out of the car. "Yeah I completely agree." We walked to the gate and got in line. About half an hour later the line started moving and we were in the venue. It was really nice; there were a lot of people and multiple food trucks selling stuff from nachos to steak.

Of course, as we were walking to find our seats several screaming  girls came up to Calum and took pictures. Watching him, it surprised me how calm he was surrounded by tons of fans. He just smiled and did what they asked. He noticed me standing there watching him and walked over and grabbed my hand leaving the girls standing there with looks of shock plastered on their faces. "Calum, it's fine. You're famous." He turned me around and led me down the stairs. "It's not ok. I came here to spend time with you." Blushing I leaned into him as we walked, he put his arm around me and squeezed me closer. We found our seats as the first band began to play.

Replaying the last few months events on my head one thing kept popping up. "I-I love you." Calum told me he loved me. Smiling to myself I looked at the guy beside me who was swaying and singing along to some new punk band. And I told him I loved him back. He noticed me staring and laughed, "What?" I looked into his dark brown eyes and smiled. "I love you Calum Thomas Hood." He looked at me for a while and then said, "You know what? I love you too Anna Lynn Sims!"

1 month later  (Calum's POV)

Today is the day. I've worked hard for this and have come up with the best plan ever! I called Michael, Luke, Ashton, and Anna's friends. Ashton was going to call Anna and ask her if she wanted to hang out and go watch a movie. When they get there they are "accidentally" going to run into Chloee and Michael. When the buy their tickets for Mocking jay the guy at the booth is going to call me and let me know they are in the theatre.

While all of this is going on Luke, Allie, and Kaybre are going to change the  preview schedule just a little to play a video we recorded. It's going to have pictures, music, memories, and embarrassing moments from when Anna and I first met until now. Hopefully of it all goes well, at the end a pre-recorded message from me is going to play telling to her turn around. When she does I will be on one knee, praying that she will say yes.

Anna's POV

Ashton called me this morning and asked me if I wanted to go to the movies. "Yeah! Sure that would be fun!" I swear I heard him sigh in relief, but it was probably just static. "Ok awesome! I'll pick you up at 6:00."

Ashton and I pulled in and decided to go see the new Hunger Games movie. While we were buying our tickets I saw Chloee and Michael walking our way. "Oh my God, hi!" Chloee hugged me and then Michael did the same. We stood around for while and then walked to the theatre. Surprisingly, we were going to the same movie. I was shocked when we walked in and were the only people there. The previews lasted forever and when they were over the screen went black. I thought the movie was starting but a few seconds later a picture of me popped up on the screen. I looked at Ashton who looked equally as shocked as me.  A few moments later another picture filled the screen. This went on for a while then there was a lot of pictures of me, Allie, Chloee, and Kaybre. There were several pictures of me and the guys also. There were videos from my phone and some of my favorite music played in the background. As amnesia was playing a familiar picture popped up. It was of me and Calum that first day after my wreck. He was in a yellow sundress holding a sign that said 'Get Well Soon' I laughed and felt tears of remembrance  forming in my eyes. The picture faded to a picture of Calum and I about a month ago at a music festival. The music stopped and the screen went dark. I looked around the theatre for Chloee and Michael but they were gone. This is a little weird. Ashton looked at me confused and I just shrugged my shoulders. He laughed,"Ok then." Suddenly the previous pictures flew across the screen and then there was a video of Calum. "Hey guys. You may be wondering what's going on and I would love to tell you but if you could just stand up and turn around for a minute." I stood up and turned away form the screen. Staring into the empty, dark seats I heard Calum's voice again but it wasn't playing through the speakers. My eyes adjusting to the darkness I saw his figure slummed in a seat. He stood and walked towards me. "Calum," I laughed. "What's going on? Did you do this?" He grabbed my hand and led me down the stairs. In front of the screen I saw the picture of us from that first day. I looked back at Calum who was now on the ground on one knee. Realizing what was happening I let out a slight laugh mixed with gasp. He pulled out a small gold ring and smiled. "Anna, I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" By now I was crying, laughing, and gasping at the same time. "Yes." He slipped the ring on my extended hand and then stood up. He pulled me close to him and I stood there for a while in his arms and just cried. "Yes," I said again. This time for my own good. This was really happening. Calum Hood just asked me to marry him. "I love you." He pulled me closer and I breathed in the familiar scent of the Aussie who was now mine. "I love you too."

A few moments later Ashton, Michael, Luke, Allie, Chloee, and Kaybre were all standing there watching us. I pulled away from Calum and my three closest friends  pulled me into a group hug. "Congratulations!" They were all crying which made me cry harder. Luke grabbed me from behind and spun me around in the air. "Congrats future Mrs.Hood!" "Thank you, Luke." He hugged me and then Michael hugged me and told me he was happy for me and couldn't be happier that I was now a part of the family. I walked over to Ashton, "Did you know about this?" He shook his head up and down and I lightly hit him on the shoulder. He hugged me and said, "I'm so happy for you. You are an amazing person and I'm really glad Calum found you." Crying once again in squeezed him a little harder and thanked him. "You're awesome. Thank you!" He shook his head and let me go. Calum ran over to me and picked up. "So bae, what do you want to do now that we are engaged?" Laughing he put me down. I put my hand on his chest "Did you just call me bae?" "Yeah. I couldn't think of anything else." I grabbed his hands,"Yeah. Don't call me that again." "Ok, bae." I could hear the teasing in his voice. "Calum." "Anna." I was about to say something else but was cut off when Calum pressed his lips against mine sending electricity down my body.

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