After the show

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"Thank you Atlanta! You were amazing!! I love you!!" Although there was almost 1 million girls in that stadium it felt like they were talking to me, and me only. "I love you too!!" I screamed, my voice shaking because I had screamed so loudly for the last three hours. Calum, Luke, Ashton, and Michael walked backstage and I started freaking out. People all around me started gathering their things and walking to the gate. My ears ringing and my heart beating, I sat back down in my seat and waited until security came and told me I had to leave. Walking to my car I was singing American Idiot and dancing awkwardly because my legs hurt from jumping and standing all night. When I got in my car I immediately started stalking the boys social media and posted a few pics of the concert. I cranked up my car and popped my Green Day CD into the radio. Pulling out of the parking lot a light blinded me and I heard a faint horn beeping. Confused I turned down my music and CRASH! The last thing I remember was the lyrics to "Panic Song". "Broken glass inside my head Bleeding down these thoughts of anguish...mass confusion" How fitting.

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