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"Ok. First stop, the Halloween store." I laughed an evil laugh the Ash asked, "Why the Halloween store?" I laughed again. "Because if we're gonna do this were gonna do it my way. And I don't want my day interrupted by a bunch of screaming fans. Trust me, they're crazy!" We went into the store and I immediately started grabbing the most  ridiculous costumes I could find. Once I finished choosing the costumes I told the boys to go change. When they walked out of the dressing room I let out a yelp of surprise. I turned my finger in a circle and they all turned around giving me a better look. I wheeled over to Mikey, who was wearing an astronaut suit and said, "That's a nice look for you!" He said thanks then started prancing around the store like a model. The other boys started following him, Ashton in a frog suit, Luke was wearing a fat suit and a blue wig, and Calum had on a yellow dress and a blonde wig. When I wheeled over to him he said, in a high pitched voice, "Nice to meet you darlin'. I'm Brittany." "Hi Brittany, nice to meet you! Say hi to Brittany guys!!" Ash, Mikey, and Luke turned around and in unison said, "Hi Brittany!" I think I even heard Michael whistle. Calum began pushing me around the store an said "If we have to wear these ridiculous things, you do to." Before anyone could grab a costume I picked up a big, floppy hat and a pair of sunglasses. "I think this will do just fine." They laughed and then we payed for the clothes and went outside. "Where to now?" "I'm actually a little hungry, what about ya'll?" They all said yes and started asking about different restaurants. "Well there is this really great Mexican place down the street of we could get pizza, or.." They all screamed at the mention of pizza. "Where is the nearest pizza place?" This came from Luke, who has been surprisingly quiet. "It's a few blocks behind us." They turned me around and off we went to the pizza place.

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