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I could feel it inside me. It hurt more than anything I'd ever endured, and I knew it was draining the life from me as I sat there, but I didn't mind. I knew he'd be beautiful no matter what he did to me. Ashton entered the room and dropped to his knees, pressing a kiss to my swollen tummy.

"He's almost ready" he whispered. I smiled. My son was preparing himself to make his big debut.

"Is it going to hurt more than it already does?" I asked. Ashton frowned.

"Yes. He'll tear you open and feed on your soul to the very end of your life." He explained. For some reason I didn't care. I didn't care that Ashton didn't love me, or that he'd used me just to create this beast inside me. I loved it. I loved Ashton too. I felt pressute on my stomach and winced.

"Its time" Ashton whispered. I prepared myself as best as I could, but there's really no proper way to prepare yourself for a creature made of pure darkness to rip its way out of your flesh. I tried to hold back my screams, but ended up shrieking hysterically as I heard the sound of my own skin being torn open. I felt the life beginning to leave me, but it was okay, because Ashton said I could name him. With my very last human breath I managed to whisper out the name


So for once a couple of the books from my series are connected!! The next book in the series Power and Control is about Michael so yeah read it! Character ask up asap

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