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When I returned to school the next day, I still felt cold even though it was in the 90s. I entered the school in a large hoodie with the sleeves covering my hands. Suddenly, I began getting warmer as I headed to my locker. When I rounded the corner I realized how incredibly hot it was and that Ashton was leaning against my locker waiting for me. I was quick to rip the hoodie from my body and stuff it into my locker.

"Hey, Ashton" I said, fanning myself.

"Hello, Darcie. Hot today isn't it?" He whispered. I nodded.

"Funny thing is I was cold when I woke up" I said with a short laugh. Ashton smirked.

"That's odd." He mused.

"Mm." Was all I could think of as a reply. I felt a warm buzz in my chest and became utterly happy. Ashton and I headed to class together and I couldn't help but smile the whole way. Class seemed to zoom by and soon I went through classes that didn't have Ashton in them. I became a bit chilled and felt sad like I was missing something incredibly important. I managed to mope through classes until fifth when I began to feel happy again. Ashton approached me and smiled.

"Hello, Darcie" he whispered. I was beginning to get used to his soft tone, coming to enjoy it even. I enjoyed everything about him.

"Hey, Ashton!" I chirped. "Wanna come eat with me?" I asked. Ashton thought for a moment and I began to worry. I didn't think I could survive not being able to see him again.

"How about we do something else?" He whispered. I chewed on my bottom lip.

"Like what?"

"We could leave. Call ourselves in and just leave." Be suggested. I gained a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Ashton.." Ashton looked my in the eye and I shivered.

"We should do it" he said in a normal tone. Suddenly it seemed like a really good idea.

"Yeah okay let's go" I said quickly. He smiled and took my hand, leading me toward the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked. We exited the doors and he turned to me smiling.

"I have a really cool place to show you" he whispered. I felt the sour feeling return yet I didn't want to leave Ashton ever.

"What kind of place?"

"Ever been cliff diving?"

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