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I spoke to Ashton all that night, assuring him that he was no monster and that I adored him. I finally fell asleep, allowing him to hold me tightly while I did.

When I awoke the next morning, I looked around to see no sight of Ashton. I frowned and got up, padding across the hall to the bathroom. There was no way I'd find in with a full bladder. I returned to my room and looked around, searching for any sign of him, or even a note telling me where he was. I found nothing. I jumped upon hearing a blood curdling scream. I rushed to my widow, not seeing anything amiss.

Another scream from a bit farther away. That's when I saw a column of smoke curling in the distance. Another scream.

Something in the pit of my stomach told me it was Ashton. Ashton was doing something and it was destroying the town. I pulled on some pants and rushed down stairs. Aunt Lisa was no where to be seen, so I didn't have to deal with any questions. I pulled on shoes and dashed out the door. People were leaving their houses, much like I was, searching for the sources of the screams. Something black flashed over a roof and suddenly my neighbor across the street was gone. Her scream was so close. A bloody corpse dropped in place of her as her house burst into flames. This was wrong. This was so wrong.

"Ashton!" I shouted. Everything seemed to freeze. Then it was there. Directly in front of me, long sharp fangs dripoing red, and beady black eye glimmering. Large black wings stretched out behind it and the torn remains of his clothes covered bits of its body. "A-Ashton?" I whispered. A sinister grin covered its face.

"Hey, Darcie"

Lol epilogue up soon.

Comment pls ^-^

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