"Hi, I'm Leo"

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"You sure this'll work?" Leo grinned, looking over at Percy.

Percy blinked. "How did I get here?" Leo shrugged bashfully.

"Just some Super McShizzle awesomeness. Now, to the more pressing topic: are you sure this will work?"

"How is something working a more pressing topic than the fact that I have no idea where I am?"

Leo shrugged, and started strutting through the streets of Pallene, Greece. Percy hurried to catch up with him. "Now, I was feeling bored so I decided to try something. Calypso couldn't come, so here you are," Leo explained.

"That still doesn't explain anything," Percy sighed. "Hey... did you just call me second best?"

Leo looked over at Percy, eyebrow raised. "Dude, she's my girlfriend." Percy inclined his head. "You've got a point there."

The two walked through the streets of the city, until they came to a woman carrying groceries out of a store. Leo grinned, a wicked gleam in his eyes. "Watch this."

Leo strutted up to her like he owned the place, and paused right beside her. "Can I help you?" she asked, almost nervously. Leo grinned.

"Hi, I'm Leo."

The woman stared at him for a second, before her eyes widened in horror and walked away. Both boys snickered. "This is the place the publisher told me to write about?" Percy asked. "This is the place the publisher told you to write about."

Next, they came upon a couple holding hands on a bench. Neither boy could believe how cliché it was, and they'd certainly never spent a whole afternoon holding hands or staring into their girlfriend's eyes.

Leo coughed, getting their attention.

"Hi, I'm Leo."

A stream of greek started coming out of their mouths, and both looked comically angry. Then the boyfriend took ahold of his girlfriend's hand, and they walked away together. Percy and Leo fell on the bench laughing.

Most of the day went like that. Each time, there was a completely different reaction. One person even screamed and ran away.

"Hey, what about that kid over there?" Percy asked, pointing to a younger kid in a sandbox. He looked too old to be there, though. Around eight or nine. Leo walked over to him, an easy smile on his face. Percy was only a couple steps behind him.

"Hi, I'm Leo."

The boy just stared at him. "Good to know," he said, before returning to his sand castle. Both boys just stared at the kid. "Aw, dam it. I hoped that would be better," Percy said, turning to Leo. Leo shrugged. "Not everyone can be successful."

The kid turned to look at them, a glint in his eye. "Say, you doin' the 'Leo' trick?" he asked, and the two boys nodded. The kid grinned. "Come with me, then. My grandma's a sight to see for that."

The two boys went down the lane to an old-fashioned looking cottage. It was brick, with the whole vines thing going for it, and it was pretty much in the middle of nowhere.

"Classic Hollywood," Leo muttered to Percy. Percy flashed a grin.

"Grandmama?" the boy asked, walking the house. "A couple boys are here to see you." He flashed Leo and Percy a grin, before heading into the house. "That kid's good. I'd almost say he's a son of Hermes," Percy muttered to Leo under his breath. Leo nodded, and headed to the kitchen.

"Welcome, boys to my - you," the old lady said, narrowing her eyes. Leo didn't miss the way Percy froze next to him under the old lady's stare.

"Grandson?" the old lady asked sweetly, not taking her eyes of Percy. "Yes, grandmama?" he asked, before flashing Leo a quick look. "Remember when I told you how not to act in a movie theatre?" Percy turned a dark shade of scarlet. "Well, you're example's right here."

The boy's eyes widened. "You were the kid laughing at the movie theatre?"

Leo's eyes widened. "This is the old lady that kicked you out?"

Percy's face was on fire. He coughed a little in his sleeve. "You would have done the same thing in my situation," he muttered. Leo grinned, knowing what he meant. "Wait, so you're whole thing extends to movies, as well?"

Percy shrugged, looking to the floor. "Sorry about that, ma'm. That was just... an odd day for me," he said. The old lady frowned disapprovingly at him.

Leo chuckled, drawing her attention. She smiled sweetly, like any stereotypical grandma would. "What can I do for you?" she asked.

"Hi, I'm Leo."

The old lady's sweet smile turned into one of rage. "Get out!" she shouted, picking up one of those things you use to roll dough. "Out! Out! OUT!" she shrieked, hitting the boys as they scurried to the exit of the house. Both boys had faced worse, but no one likes to be hit with a dough roller, or whatever the heck those things were called.

Leo and Percy took of the sidewalk, hearing the old lady's cries of bloody murder fade out behind them. Soon, they stopped, panting.

"Well... that was eventful," Leo said. Percy snorted.

Both boys agreed never to speak of that particular incident again. 

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