Phone Calls

219 11 4

High School AU

"Truth or dare?" Piper McLean challenged as we sat around in a circle. She had an arm around her boyfriend, Jason Grace.

Jason was a good friend of mine. In fact, everyone there was. Leo Valdez, Calypso, Frank Zhang, Hazel Levesque, Thalia Grace, Nico Di Angelo, Reyna with-a-really-long-last-name, and Rachel Elizabeth Dare. Basically the whole crew. "Dare," Annabeth Chase answered. Yeah, don't forget about Annabeth.

See, all of these people had been my friends since childhood. But Annabeth and I had been friends for longer than I had been friends with any of these guys. They were still awesome, but Annabeth was one of a kind friend.

Sometimes, I couldn't help but wish it were more than that, though.

Okay, I may or may not have had a tiny crush on her. And am trying to gather up my courage and ask her out.

"I dare you..." Piper paused for dramatic effect. "To call your crush on the phone and ask them out."

Annabeth paled considerably, and there was some laughter from around the group. I sat up, bracing myself.

There's no way she'd like you. She's amazing and you're just... Percy, I told myself firmly.

Annabeth got her new phone out with trembling hands. I tried to send her an encouraging thumbs up, but she was avoiding eye contact with me for some reason.

Piper was looking smug, and most of the people around the circle were grinning. For some reason, Rachel's eyes were darting between Annabeth and I.

She dialed a number, and the beeping sounds rang out in the silent room. Her finger hesitated before the call button. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before quickly hitting the button.

For a few seconds, all we could hear was the dial tone...

... And then the sound of ukulele filled the room.

"I was scared of dentists and the dark,"

I blushed as my friend's heads slowly turned my way. Leo stifled a snicker behind his shirtsleeve.

"I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations,"

My face heated up. "What? It's a good song." Nico snorted.

"Oh, all my friends are turning green,"

I scrambled to get my phone out of my bag, wanting to end the humiliation. I didn't bother checking the caller ID before answering the phone and holding it up to my ear.

"Hiya! Percy Jackson speaking." The phone was silent at the other end. I looked up at my friends, and shook my head in a confused way.

Their expressions all looked exactly the same. And suspiciously similar to a whale face (love those, by the way).

"Hello?" I asked, confused. I waited for a reply. Nothing. "Okay, seriously. Hello?" After a few seconds of emptiness, I hung up.

"Gods, some people," I said, shaking my head. My friend's expressions didn't change the whole time.

Just then, I realized this whole time Annabeth had her phone to her ear. "Hey," I said, turning to her with a friendly smile. "Have any luck?"

Her expression was priceless.

Just then, my phone rang again in my hands. I sighed impatiently, answering the call. "Okay, hello?"

"Percy?" a voice asked on the other end. I instantly relaxed.

"Mom! Sorry about that. I had some weird prank call earlier."

At that point, I swore they all exchanged dumbstruck looks.

"Really?" I heard a note of uncertainty in her voice.

"No worries, it's fine. So what did you want to call about?"

"Dinner's going to be ready soon. Can you come home as quick as you can?"

"Roger that," I said, grinning. "See ya."

I looked up at my friends, who still wore the same shocked expressions. "Sorry, guys. I gotta go. Pizza's calling!"

With that, I tossed my phone in my bag and was out the door before anyone could say anything.

The whole group stared at the door in shocked silence after Percy left. 

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