Chapter Twelve: The Hunters

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I lay in my bed slowly opening my eyes. My body is still sore from all of yesterday's training. I roll over on my back and sitting up yawning and stretching out my arms. I get up out of my bed almost falling down to the floor tiredly.

I walk over to my door and open it slowly. I walk out of my room and down the stairs. I walk into the living room seeing Toby and BEN arguing. Then they notice me and stop putting a smile on there face.

"Hey." They say in unison.

"Hey." I say yawning again.

I walk over to the couch grabbing the remote as Toby sits on my left side and BEN sits on my right side. I turn on the T.V. and play Gravity Falls. I sit there half awake watching a Disney XD show.

"So what where you guys arguing about earlier?" I say braking the silent.

"Nothing!" They both say instantly.

"Um, ok?" I say a little confused.

I just shrug not really caring that much. Over time, nothing really happens so I get up and walking over to Slenderman's office seeing if there are any more missions. As I am about to knock on the door I hear them talking about something. I lean my head against the door listening.

"I saw one of them earlier, more of them will be showng up! What if one of them tricks Jake and catptures him?" Someone says.

"There not gonna trick him, he is to smart." Another voice says.

"Well-" one of them starts to say before I start to lean in more and fall down opening the door wide open. Turns out the door was cracked, whoops.

I look up to see Slenderman and his brothers facing me looking down.

"Hello." I say waving my hand as I get up off the floor.

"What where you doing? Where you listening to us?" Offenderman says with a kind of angry voice.

"No I was just....... um....." I say trailing off forgetting what I was accually saying.

"So, um, on a totally un related note, who where you guus talking about?" I ask trying to act innocent.

"Well, he was gonna fingure out sooner or later. Zalgo's hunters, they where watching you ealier." Trenderman says.

"Yes, and don't trust anyone, they may not be who you think they are." Offenderman says.

I nod my head. I then walk put again closing the door kind of awkwardly as they just watch me.

I walk back up to my room closing the door behind me like always. I walk over to my closet opening it and grabbing my gear. I put on my gear as I close my closet and walk back out of my room. I decide to go on a nice relaxing walk. I walk downstairs and out of the masion.

I walk into the woods looking around making sure no one is watching me or following me. After a while of walking i my legs get a little numb. I go and sit down on a rock. Then all of the sudden i hear a ctacking sound of s branch braking. I quickly pop my head up looking around grabbing me axe out of it's holster getting ready for a fight. Then I see a black figure run. I didnt really get a good look at them.

I grab a rock off of the forest floor and look around trying to hear were it is. Then it runs to were I can see and I quickly throw a rock at them.

"Oww!" They yell out as they fall down.

I walk over to the fingure seeing it's a girl. She has brown hair and is wearing some black boots, a pair of black skinny jeans, a black shirt, and a black leather jacket with a fedora and holster strap on. I see the holster is carrying a red katana in her back.

"Who are you?" I say as she start to move.

"I'm McKenzie, who are you?" She says as she gets up.

"I'm, Jake. What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I'm running away from my group, you see I use to be a hunter-" she says before I stop her.

"What!" I yell out.

"I USE to be, I ran away so I wouldn't have to work for that shit guy, Zalgo." She says.

I lower my axe but keep it in my hand just in case she tries to do anything. I go and sit back down on a rock.

"So, why did you run away?" I ask.

"Because all he does is boss me around and tell me what to do and if I don't do what ever the fuck he wants then he punishes me for disobeying him. I hate him." She says.

"Seems like a good reason." I say.

"By the way I have some other friends that ran away with me and this is our meeting spot." She says.

"Ok, should I go?" I ask.

"No, well as long as you don't try to fight them or hurt them." She says.

"Oh trust me, I would never hurt anyone." I say forgetting I'm a creepypasta.

"Really." She says looking down at my blood covered axe.

"Oh shit, ya.... um.... well I would never hurt you or your friends. As long as they don't try to hurt me." I say.

I suddenly hear sound not the far away.

"Here they are." Mckenzie says.

Then three figures run up to Mckenzie. Two of them were girls and one is a guy.

"This is Jake, Jake these are my friends Jade, Shannon, and Nathan." Mckenzie says.

Jade has brown hair, black converse, black skinny jeans, and a blsck leather jacket with a black shirt like McKenzie does.

Shannon has dark red hair, black converse, and a grey hoodie that is not zipped up with a black under shirt.

Nathan is a little taller than the others with with black hair, some black converse, black normal jeans, and a black hoodie. They all have katana's on there backs too.

"Well nice to meet you all." I say.

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