Chapter Two: Lumberjack

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As I arrive home I look at the drive way and see my moms at work. I walk into the house and see my dad and brothers in the living room.

"There you are, now lets go!" My dad say as he gets up and leaves the house and goes to his car.

Alex follows him as Zac follows him and then I follow Zac. Since I'm the last one out I close the door and lock it behind me. I run to the car and get in the passenger seat. I am so exited, I love to chop wood surprisingly. My dad says it's the one thing I'm good at.

I put my heaphones back in as dad backs out of the driveway and leaves. I get on my phone and decide to play minecraft. After around twenty minutes of driving we pull into a forest. I look around and all I see are trees, no rodes, cars, nothing, just trees.

"Lets go." My dad says getting out of the car and we all do the same.

We start to follow dad to a working sight.

"Who's that?" Someone says.

"This is my youngest son, Jake." He says putting his hand on my head.

He walks up to me.

"Well hi Jake, names Phil." He says putting his hand out for me to shake it.

I shake it as firm as I can so he doesn't think I'm weak. "Nice grip." Phil says.

"Thanks." I say back.

"Now, lets get you some gear." He says.

I look over at my dad and brothers and see that the are getting there axes. I walk with Phil to a little station.

"Pick out a pair of boots." He says.

I point to a pair a pitch black boots.

"Nice choice." He says grabbing them and handing them to me.

I look around for something to sit on and see a stump. I go and sit on it. I take off my converse and put on the boots.

"Now lets go get you an axe." He says with a grin.

He walks over to a tarp with axes on it. I walk over to it following him. I look down at the axes.

"Pick one." He says.

I see an axe with a long brown handle and a black metal head, it looked sharp so I picked it. I pointed to that one.

"Good choice, we just got that one ealier this morning." He says grabbing a strap.

"Take the butten up off." He says.

I do as he tells me to. He puts one part of the strap over my head on my shoulder.

"Whats this for?" I question.

"It's a holster for your axe." He says.

"My axe?"

"Ya, this stuff is yours if your gonna be working as a lumberjack."

"Wait what! Really?" I say excitedly.

"Yep." He says laughing a little at me.

"Now let's get to chopping!" He says grabbing an axe and walking to a tree.

I look around for a tree and see a small one next to my brother Zac. I walk over to it and take my axe out of it's holster and swing it.

I swing it again and again. My brother keeps looking over at me watching me. I hit it one last time as it falls over. I look over at my brother smirking trying to show off. I see his eyes widen.

"Jake!" Someone yells out at me.

I look around as something hits me hard in the head and I fall over. I have a sudden pain flowing throughout my body. I see my dad and Phil running up to me. I look around seeing my brothers laughing at me as my vision goes blurry. My head starts to throb out in pain as tears start to flow down my cheeks.

'Its this really how im gonna die?' I question to myself.

I look around as the world around fades out and goes black as I pass out.

"Beep, beep, beep," I hear a sound waking me up.

Instantly a searing pain starts to flow throughout my body again. I slowly open my eyes and look around. My vision is still blurry so I wait for it to adjust. It finally does and I see I'm in a hospital bed.

"Beep, beep, beep," I continue hearing.

I try to sit up at some doctors run in.

"No, stay down!" They yell at me as I stop and lay back down.

"Wh-what happened to me?" I ask.

"A tree fell down on you and knocked you out cold." One of them say.

Then for some reason I start to smile, then laugh. I couldn't stop, nothing was funny, no one was tickling me, I just laughed for no reason. The doctors just give me weird stares as they look at each other.

"Are you ok, Jake?" One of them says.

"Maybe he hit his head to hard?" They say.

"Ya, most likely."

*Time Skip: Six months*

"He's ready to leave, all of his wounds have healed." I hear Dave, my doctor, say outside of my room.

"Ok." My dad says.

"But, sir, if he is acting differently or constant laughing. Take him back here." Dave says.

"Ok." He says.

They walk into my room and I see my dad has my clothes in his hands. I get up out of the hospital bed.

"Here, put these on." My dad says to me handing me my clothes.

I take the clothes and walk into the bathroom. I turn on the light and close the door behind me. I take off the hospital clothes and put my clothes back on. My pants still smell like wood. Then the memories come back. I look into the mirror and then I see this guy covered in blood with a big smile on his face.

He looks like me except covered in blood with messy hair. I quickly turn around to face nothing. I turn back around facing the mirror. I turn on the sink and splash some water in my face. I pick up the hospital clothes off of the floor and walk out of the bathroom turning off the light.

"Ready?" My dad ask.

I nod yes handing Dave the clothes.

"Lets go." My dad say.

He leaves as I follow him. We go up to his truck and get in. We leave the hospital heading back home but the face was the only thing on my mind.

Jake The Lumberjack: He ComesWhere stories live. Discover now