Chapter Six: Creepypasta?

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I then get back on my feet ready to run. I take off running. I need to get as far away from my house as possible. I start to get tired as I slow down then trip over a rock and falling down rolling into a tree.

"Shit!" I yell out.

I sit up leaning against the tree and looking at my jeans seeing my jeans ripped and that I scraped my knee as it starts to bleed. I pull up my jeans showing my leg up a little above my knee. I put my bag next to me and grab a full water bottle. I open it and start to slowly pour the cold water on my knee.

It stings a little at first but then I get use to the pain. I only pour half of the water bottle on my knee cleaning up the dirt and blood just in case so it won't get infected. I put the half full water bottle back into my bag zipping it up. I stand up and look up at the tree. I put my bag over my shoulder and start to climb the tree.

I climb onto a sturdy branch and set my bag on another branch next to the one I'm sitting on. I adjust to the big and sturdy branch to where it's comfortable. I then let my left leg dangle off of it. I lay my head back closing my eyes. I haven't gotten that much sleep so I'm really tired. I start to go to sleep as the sun rises. Then the forest around me start go fade out and it goes black as I drift off to sleep.

Luckily a lot of leaves and branches where covering the sun so it wouldn't shine on me. The sun really irritates me a lot and it's annoying.

I hear a loud snap waking me up as I look around. The sun is already setting.

'Damn, how long was I asleep for?' I question myself in my thoughts.

I look over seeing a face an inch away from mine. He has brown hair hair with a blue hood over it. He has orange goggles on over his brown eyes. He also has a black with grey striped mouth gaurd covering his mouth and nose. I quickly grab my bag jumping out of the tree.

I land on the floor and take a run for it as I run into somebody falling onto the ground. I look up at him seeing he has a tan hoodie on and a black mask on with a red frown on and red eyes. I quickly stumble to my feet as I turn and quickly run to my right then stopping myself as I see another person.

He has a tan hoodie, too, with brown hair. He has a white mask on with black lady-like lips and black eyes. I turn around and bolt for it seeing it's clear to run. I run as fast as I can as I grab my blood covered axe just in case they catch up to me. I look back behind me seeing them running after me.

The one with goggles has a hatchet in each of his hands. Then the one with a black mask pulls out a gun and the one with a white mask pulls out a knife. I quickly speed up looking forward.

Then I start to laugh again, of all times to laugh, it had to be now? Really! They probably think I'm completely insane, I mean I am but I don't want other people to know. I continue to run while laughing with my axe in my hand. I then look back again seeing if they are any closer to me.

I don't see them and I start to slow down as I climb a tree. I then see them start to surround the tree. I get up and jump to another tree, then another to another. I jump to the floor rolling and then continuing to run as I see them falling back behind.

Then the one with a black mask starts to aim his gun at me. I quickly take a sharp turn to the left as he shoots but luckily he misses as I continue to run and they chase after me. Then all the sudden I feel a searing pain in my right leg as I drop down to the ground.

"Fuck!" I yell out in pain.

I look at my leg seeing a hatchet in it and my blood covering the dead leaves. I pull out the hatchet and throw it to the side at a tree. I try to get up looking behind me seeing the guy with the mouth gaurd running over to get his hatchet and pulling it out of the tree. I try to run but fail falling down again.

They catch up to me and surround me as I try to crawl away. The boy with the white mask starts to step on my leg lightly bring me more pain. I bite lip hard again as he puts more pressure on my leg.

Then all of the sudden someone appears in front of me. I look up at him. He is a very tall figure who looks to be about eight to nine feet tall towering over me. He has on a nice fancy black suit but his skin, it's completely white. I look up at his face and see nothing, it was so disturbing. No features, no eyes, hair, nothing. I couldn't help but stare at his face.

"What did I tell you!" He yells at them as the pressure on my leg is no more only leaving the pain.

They line up looking at him.

"Sorry but there was just no other way to stop him." They boy in the black mask says.

"So you shoot at him!" The tall guy says.

Then it just goes silent. My vision then goes blurry and everything start to darken then to complete black as I pass out closing my eyes and my head dropping to the forest floor.

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