Surrounded by the Oni

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Melissa's eyes met mine, "One of those things stuck a sword right through him. I need to try to control the bleeding and–" 

"Mom, the ash!" Scott yelled, interrupting his moms words. She rushed over to a corner of the room, leaving Agent McCall momentarily so she could grab a small jar. The sound of bodies ricocheting off of things, growls, and windows shattering were filling the entire house. "Mom, now! Do it now!" 

Mama McCall gave me one small glance before bolting out of the space we were in, towards the front door. Right as Derek shoved the last remaining creature outside, she took the jar and slammed it against the floor, the ash immediately making a straight line. 

I made my way out to where everyone else was standing, wanting to feel relief since they had managed to get all of the masked men out of the house, but I was still panicking about what I had seen when they found me. I needed to get to Stiles, and right now that would be pretty much impossible. 

"Are you okay?" Derek asked, making his way over to me. "Did they hurt you?"  

I shrugged and pulled my hair back so he could see the mark behind my ear, "They showed up in my room right before I got here. I just....look we just need to get to Stiles." 

"Stiles?" He asked in confusion, "Why would we need to get to Stiles?" 

"Yeah, why do we need to get to Stiles?" Scott asked, joining in on our conversation. "Is something wrong?"

I sighed, "Look, I'm going to sound crazy but when they found me and I looked into their eyes–" 

"Wait, they found you?!" Scott asked, moving around me so he could take a look at the back of my ear. "When did this happen?! Were you alone?!" 

My hand pressed against his chest and I lightly pushed him away from me, "It happened right before I came here, and Lydia found me. But listen, when I looked into their eyes it's almost like they triggered my abilities, I didn't do it...a-at least I don't think I did. It was like I was in this completely dark room, and I started walking and the more I walked the more visible someone became. Then I realized it was Stiles, but then a line of glowing eyes started appearing one by one in front of him and when he turned was like pure evil was looking me in the eyes. Then there was this voice and–" 

"Autumn." Scott said softly, gently placing his hand on my arm. "They were obviously just trying to mess with you, they're only going after supernatural–" 

"No!" I yelled, jerking away from him. "They weren't trying to mess with me, Scott! Okay, so they've only gone after people who are supernatural, but that doesn't mean they won't go after a human too! Maybe they just haven't yet! I think they're after Stiles! They have to be!" 

Derek's eyes narrowed, "Autumn...I really don't think–" 

"Derek, please. Believe me. What I was saw was terrifying, but it seemed so real." Even though I wanted to hold the tears in that were forming, a couple ran down my cheeks unable to be stopped. I turned towards Scott, "Please, Scott. If anything happens to him–"

Scott pulled me into his arms and my head buried into his chest, "Shhh, Autumn. They probably wanted to freak you out, we still don't know what they're here for. If I thought Stiles was in danger you know I would be there within seconds, but he isn't a banshee, a werewolf, or anything like that. He's human, alright? They aren't going after humans." He pulled me back so he could see my face, and I just nodded. "We're safe in here, and Stiles is fine." 

Scott could say that over and over until his face turns blue, but I still wouldn't believe it. It's like they used my abilities to tell me what's coming, they weren't messing with me. 

Shattered • Stiles Stilinski [Two]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora