Chapter 16: Keeping Up Appearances

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-Visiting Locker Room, 8:15PM-

Sherman just entered the locker room, all of the Tiger players' eyes looked at him immediately, he had an unsatisfied look on his face.

"You want to end this regular season 9-0? Because I suggest you wake up, get your heads in this game. This offense has got to execute, this defense needs to make more stops or else I'll guarantee you our perfect streak ends tonight. Understood? And if anybody has gave up, or if anyone doesn't want to be here, I suggest you get out now." Sherman then said, angrily.

"Maybe we shouldn't take these guys lightly." Charlie Brown then muttered, prompting Sherman to glare at him.

"Got something to say to me?" Sherman angrily then said.

"I said-" Charlie Brown then said, before being cut off.

"Speak up." Sherman then said, once again angrily.

"I said that maybe we're forgetting that we've been blowing out teams a lot, we're forgetting that there are teams that are good for a reason. I know I'm not the best BFL player in town, but one thing's for sure, we need to go back out there and give 210 percent and not take this team lightly, because they're going to come at us with everything that they got. Because that's what Champions do, and no one's a champion until they earn it. It's just an honor being on this team with you all." Charlie Brown then said, motivatingly.

"Let's go play some football!" Sherman then said.

"YES, SIR!" The Team shouted. Pumped up for the 2nd half, everyone in the locker room ran out onto the field, everyone except Dipper, Sherman then walked up to Dipper.

"What are you waiting for? We got another half, Dipper. C'mon!" Sherman then said.

Dipper couldn't care less, he felt sad about his own Grunkle lying to him for 10 years, he then decided to take off his jersey, and looked for his casual shirt.

"Don't do it." Sherman then said sympathetically.

"Why shouldn't I? My Grunkle lied to me for 10 years. I don't even know who he is anymore!" Dipper then said, heartbrokenly.

"Look, I know, but deep down, you know that your Grunkle must've done it for this family. You wanna be pretty furious at him, fine. But don't walk out that door, and you know what? It could be worse, he could've gambled a lot more than he could've afford." Sherman then said sympathetically.

Dipper then nodded sadly, and then got his Jersey back on.

-3rd quarter, Tiger Sideline-

Sherman got his offense in the huddle, and said, "Alright, we've been working on this all year, I've been waiting to run these plays for a long time, let's go with "Flea Flicker Star Sucker Punch! On 2!"

Sherman then looked at Kid Trunks and said, "I have all the confidence in the world in you! Don't look at your father, just focus on the game!"

The offense came back on the field and lined up.

"49! Black 85! Set, hut. Hike!" Kid Trunks shouted, and the ball was snapped, and the 2 linemen came off the ball and Kid Trunks handed off the ball to Phineas, who flea flickers it to Rallo, who tosses the pigskin to Kid Trunks who throws it downfield...and finds Sherman Peabody for a Touchdown!

"And Sherman Peabody gets the go ahead score, and the Tigers get a fire in the belly once again!"

Tigers 14, Lions 29


Charlie Brown kicked the ball off, and it ended up in the arms of Gerard, who tried to find some daylight, but in the end, he ended up being tackled, and the ball was fumbled! And Charlie Brown was right in front of the sight of the tackle, and he recovered the football, and ended up scoring a TD after diving into the endzone.

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