"Thank you so much for the generous offer, but you don't need to. I usually walk with JB who also lives around here. He just had to stay late today and work on a project. Thank you though. And thank you for pulling me out of the way of that car," I said, looking down and blushing, my hand on the back of my neck. I waved at Jackson and walked up the path to my house, breathing out a sigh of relief as I let myself inside, breathing out a sigh of relief.

"So who was that?" I jumped upon hearing my father's voice, the ever so familiar fear working its way through my blood again.

"His name is Jackson, he's in my grade. He offered to walk with me because I was alone," I said as quickly and clearly as I could, taking off my shoes and hanging up my coat.

"Is he your friend?" I shook my head.

"I haven't really talked to him much before. He lives a street over so he just walked with me today. He usually drives, but he didn't have his car today." I looked into the eyes of my father, hoping he would be pleased with my answers and allow me to start my homework.

"Okay. Do you have work tonight?" He asked, and I nodded.

"Yes, however my boss texted me requesting I work late. I told her that I was available, as long as that's okay with you," I added quickly, trying my hardest to keep my dad happy.

"That's fine, just know I have a meeting at the church that starts soon, so I'll be leaving now. I can't give you a ride, if that affects you at all." I shook my head.

"No sir, that's fine. Have a nice meeting," I said, moving out of the way of the door and waving as he left. As soon as the door shut I let out a sigh of relief, locking the door and going upstairs to start my homework.

~ ~
I wish I had cared about my father's inability to pick me up. As I left the small bakery I worked at, the wind had picked up and it was below freezing outside. Shivering, I curled into my coat to the best of my ability and started the long walk to my house. I constantly scanned my surroundings in fear of an attacker launching themselves at me from the pitch black. I was close to home when it happened.

"What is something young and pretty doin' out this late?" I heard a scratchy voice ask from behind me, causing me to stiffen but pick up my pace. "Hey, I'm talking to you!" I heard the voice yell, causing me to start running. I listened as he gained on me, causing me to push myself even harder. I was praying that I would be able to make it out of this when I tripped over something and twisted my ankle. I cried out in pain and fell to the ground, unable to put any weight on my foot without intense pain shooting up my leg. I watched with wide eyes as the man approached with a sick grin dancing on his mouth.

"Well, well, well, aren't you a pretty one," he said, his voice sending shivers of disgust down my spine. "We're gonna have some fun, aren't we?" I whimpered as he yanked me up by the arm and slammed me against the wall.

"Please don't," I choked out, holding back tears. I felt his hand meet with my face, my eye starting to swell immediately as tears streaked my cheeks.

"I said, we're gonna have some fun-"

"Hey! What are you doing?" I heard a familiar voice yell, making my attacker step back. If I could've run, I would've been able to make it out, but with the inability to put weight on my foot, I was very limited. I sank to the ground as the familiar person confronted my attacker and scared him off. I just wanted to go home, I was so tired and in so much pain.

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