"Joshua I'm not going to fight with you tonight so don't start. Plus there is nothing wrong with what I'm wearing, so no I'm not changing."

"Except for the fact you look like a slut. You know what, just leave already. I swear I don't know why I even married you sometime." He says as he storms off to the living room.

"The feelings mutual sweetheart! By the time I get back home tonight, you and all your things had better be gone. I'm done fighting with you over all this. You can either get your things peacefully and leave or I can call the police and have you escorted out of my house." I say as I walk out of the door.

What did I ever see in that man? I shake those thoughts away determined not to let him ruining my night. I head towards Austin's house excited to see what the night holds. When I pull into the driveway there are cars parked everywhere. This is going to be one crazy, fun night. Maybe this will be the start to a new and better life from here on out.

As I walk into the house I spot Austin from across the room, with his back to me. He is talking to some men that I have seen in meeting with him and some ladies I am assuming are their significant others. Without thinking about it, I walk up to him, throw my arms around his neck, and whisper in his ear.

"Hello handsome." I hear him inhale deeply before he turns around and catches me off guard by wrapping his arms around me, lifting me off the floor."Austin put me down you dipstick. Everyone is watching."

"I don't care let them watch. " He says with his face in my neck before setting me back on my feet and looking me over, head to toe. "Don't you look lovely tonight."

"Why thank you kind sir! You don't look to bad yourself, quite dashing if I may say so."

"Alright, enough with the flattery, it gets you nowhere with me." He says as he looks me over once more. "Laying all jokes aside, you really do look very beautiful tonight."

"Thank you Austin."

"Let's get something to drink shall we?" Austin says grabbing onto my hand, placing it on his arm, and leading me towards the bar area he's had set up.

An hour or two later the party is in full swing when I hear a commotion coming from the direction of the front door. I look up to see Austin walking towards me with a look on his face that I've only seen when he's really mad. As he stops right in front of me I can tell something is definitely wrong.

"Austin what's wrong?"

"Amelia, I am so sorry. I swear I didn't know he was going to do this. I promise I won't leave your side all night if that's what you want."

"Please calm down and tell me what's going on?"

As soon as I finish my sentence I see exactly what it is he is talking about. I grab onto Austin's arm to steady myself so that I don't fall. I look to his face and it is full of so much sympathy. He mutters an I'm sorry and tries to place an arm around my shoulder but I hold him in front of me while I will myself not the cry. The tears are threatening to fall but I won't let them, not tonight. By now the commotion has made its way over to us and is now standing right in front of Austin and I.

"Amelia." Tyler speaks.

I am looking into the eyes of the man I care for deeply and he has a leggy blonde hanging off his arm. I feel Austin's arm go around my waist and I lean into him for comfort. When Tyler sees this the look on his face turns from smug to ice cold in an instant.

"Tyler, how are you?" I finally speak. I don't know if I'm trying to convince him or myself that I'm fine.

"I'm doing great actually. I'd like for y'all to formally meet my girlfriend, Roslyn Roark."

A Love Like Oursحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن