Part 9- Love

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//warning smut & daddy kink//
I could hear his heart beating, I could feel his chest rising up and down. I could smell his sweet smell. I don't think I've ever felt more at home. I loved how Phil had this effect on me, it was my favorite thing about him.

"Morning baby" he said groggily.

I laughed, placing my hand on his cheeks and giving a firm kiss "Morning"

I sat up in bed and swung my legs over the bed, then stood. My vision was getting clearer every day, I am no longer seeing black and grey dots dance in my eyes but instead my vision is clear and my head is clear of fuzz. Does this mean I'm losing control again, am I getting fat? Maybe I should stop eating so much. Yeah. I won't completely restrict maybe just my lunch.

My mind was set so I ran off to the kitchen to prepare me and Phil some coffee. As I am pouring the water into the machine I realise I haven't been to school this whole time, neither have I been home. I guess I was so used to calling this place home that I forgot about my dad. I dreaded going back to that man. I can't consider him my dad. I won't. He doesn't deserve that. What type of dad beats his own kid, uses drugs constantly, scarring him and putting a bad impression on him, that, I don't consider a dad.

Because I've been skipping school, I haven't been talking to Violet. I remember I have her number, maybe I should call her. I will.

The coffee was done by the time I had decided I was going to call Violet, and along came Phil.

"Dan that thing has been beeping for a while, shut it off " he pouted, plopping down on the couch.

"sorry, just got lost in thought" I brang the coffee to him, handing it to him.

I sat there, staring at my coffee. Lost in thought. Should I go home. Should I see how my dads doing. Should I avoid him. Do I go back to school, only to be teased and fall back into my own thoughts. Or should I stay here, with Phil, not having a care in the world. I don't know anymore. I want to get better. Getting better means losing all that I worked for. Gaining back all that weight. Am I falling into old habits. I hope not. Will I get worse. Maybe I shouldn't think about this. I won't.

I went back to staring at my coffee, now taking sips. Phil noticed I was lost in thought and placed a hand on my leg "Dan, what's wrong"

I shook my head, faking a smile "Nothing Phil, I'm alright. Are you done with your coffee?" he sighed, nodding and gave me his cup.

As I was at the sink Phil spoke up "Do you want to go out today? Maybe meet up with some old friends, catch up. Watch a movie? Get coffee? Anything we just need to get out for a while"I agreed and we headed upstairs to get ready.
- - -

"Did you call pj yet?" I heard Phil call from downstairs.

"Yeah, he said to be there in 10" I rushed, grabbing my shoes and slipping them on.

"Dammit Dan hurry up!" he yelled, running up the stairs. "what is taking you?!"

"I'm sorry" I laughed at how frustrated he was getting. "It's just a double date. He wouldn't mind if we were late" I smiled, finally walking toward Phil.

He bit his lip "You look hot"

I winked "Thanks" I slapped his ass.

We made it there a few minutes before him and his boyfriend. They soon came though and he introduced us.

"Dan, Phil, this is Chris" he said, placing a hand on his shoulder. Chris held out his hand, and we shook. He was fairly attractive. He had brown hair which swept across his face. His eyes were amazing. They were big, a greenish blue color. His crooked smile was adorable as well. It reminds me of Phil.

"So, Dan how's phil" Chris asked me, sipping his wine.

"He's amazing" I replied, smiling, looking to Phil. I grabbed his inner thigh, squeezing. I heard a slight moan escape his lips and I smirked at him.

We spent the rest of the night catching up. I spent it teasing Phil . I grabbed his crotch. I squeezed his thighs. I played with him. I could tell he was starting to become frustrated.

"Maybe we should head home now. I'm sleepy" I suggested and pj agreed.

We made it home when pj and Chris states they were sleeping over. We agreed and showed them their room.

It was only me and Phil awake now, we were sitting on the couch together when he leaned in, pressing our lips together. "You've been naughty tonight princess. You shouldn't treat daddy like that" he grazed his lips against my ear, sensually whispering.

"I-im sorry daddy" I moaned lowly. He grabbed my bum, pulling me in closer. We locked lips and he opened his mouth, allowing my tongue to enter his mouth and meet with his own. Our tongues clashed hotly together, I moaned into the kiss. I couldn't help it. I grinded down to meet Phil's thrusts. My bulge was growing at this point, Phil noticed and smirked. "Bedroom" he directed me up stairs. "I have to get a few things first"

I waited patiently on the bed, Phil then entered. He had on nothing but a leather thong and some lube in his hand. "This is all for you princess" he growled. He strutted toward the bed, and I got in position, showing myself off to Phil. He admired the view and began to lube up his two fingers. "I'll go in slow just for you babe" he began to push into my opening, slowly stretching it. I felt pain at first but soon, I felt pleasure flood through my body. The sensation was one I've never felt before, it spread through my whole body, tingling at my fingertips. It made my head feel fuzzy, light.

"I'm ready Phil" I told him. He nodded, pulling his fingers out. He slipped off his thong, whipping out his cock. "your huge daddy" I breathed, gripping his cock. He groaned, trowing his head back in pleasure. "Baby don't do that" I nodded, releasing him."you ready?" I nodded, although I wasn't so sure. He moved in closer, then I felt it. He entered me, thrusting hard in and out. His thrusts became harder, faster until finally I felt a jolt of pleasure shoot through my body. I screamed, moaning out his name. He smirked "fuck baby I love when you scream my name" he panted, becoming breathless as well. He continued thrusting, and I soon began to experience a weird sensation in my cock. It was sensitive, almost tender like and it began to feel like it was going to explode. More like an explosion of pleasure, than a painful one. The tenderness became more and more significant "phil I'm close" I managed to say in between my mess of moans. I scratched at his back in pleasure, ready to release any second. "mmmmm dan" he moaned, finally releasing himself in me. I felt him, all of him in me and I loved it.

He sighed "You were amazing baby" I smiled in response, looking into his eyes. They were so damn gorgeous. How did I ever end up with a man like him. I hope I'll never lose him, and if I do I know I won't be the same. Hell take a part of me with him if he leaves. I hope he wont leave. I leaned in, planting a kiss on his forehead. I should go to sleep now. I stood up, slipping on my boxers. Phil was on bed already, raking his eyes over me as I reentered the room. I laughed at him, entering the bed and falling into his arms.

"I love you Dan" he said, softly kissing my neck.

"I love you too Phil, and don't you dare think otherwise"

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